Susan McCauley
Joined ICA 2009

Why do we do this for free?

We've been training coaches for over 20 years (accredited with the ICF since 2004).  We are committed to the integrity and continued growth of coaching as an industry, and we care about the success and well-being of coaches.

Too often we have coaches come to ICA looking to 'retrain' because they initially chose the wrong program; one that either wasn't accredited or didn't pathway to a credential.  Their journey could have been quite different had they known more about what is required to practice as a Professional Coach.

Note: You are under no obligation to continue on to join ICA's coach training following your meeting, or on receipt of your plan

Your Personalised Plan

Emailed to you...

Following your meeting, we'll email you a personalised plan you can use to make an informed decision about which program or school is best for your coaching goals, budget and timeline for certification.  The plan is a starting point for your research, or confirmation that you are on track with your long term vision.

Prepare for your call