As Coaches, we use Acknowledgment to help our clients move closer to their goals.
The things that require the most acknowledgement are the unseen changes in perspective and understanding. [Click to Tweet!]
Coaches encourage their clients to practice self acknowledgement. [Click to Tweet!]
Adults forget that they require acknowledgement and encouragement to succeed. [Click to Tweet!]
(0:01) Get closer to your goal
(0:12) There are two types of acknowledgement
(0:18) Easy to get stuck in the DOING
(0:28) Acknowledge the unseen and BEING
(0:48) Encourage your clients to acknowledge themselves
(1:17) Adults need acknowledgement and encouragement to succeed
(1:39) Support before and after action
(1:57) Hold a vision for the client
Focus on the “Being” as well as the Doing
There are two areas of acknowledgment to look at when coaching a client, the doing and the being. It can become very easy to be stuck focusing on the doing, things that we can measure and see: losing weight, finding a new job or finding a new relationship. Most of the time when coaching a client, the things that need the most acknowledgment are those that are unseen, the “being-ness”, how the person is as an individual. We talk a lot about re-framing perspectives and changing the way that we see ourselves. This can only be done by looking on the inside, before the doing is actually visible.
The Client’s Role
This does not mean acknowledgment is only coming from the coach. The client must also acknowledge themselves. As a coach, I really try to encourage my clients to look first at the invisible, the “being-ness”, who they are as an individual. This is done before focusing on that big picture. Often this can be difficult, as we want to reach that goal and are excited about the outcome. We must really stop and acknowledge ourselves and learn more about who we are before we can have that big success at the end.
Adults need encouragement and acknowledgment to succeed.
As adults, we think we don’t need the acknowledgment. Think back to when you were a child and your parents put your report card on the refrigerator or a picture that you had drawn. The same thing goes even after we leave our parents’ house. We still need that encouragement, we still need that acknowledgment.
Going hand in hand with acknowledgment is the concept of encouragement. Think of acknowledgment as something that happens after the being or the doing has taken place and encouragement is what happens beforehand. A coaches, we are there to encourage and acknowledge our client’s being and their doing. We hold a vision for that client to actually accomplish the big goal at the end.
Think about it for yourself. What can you acknowledge within your own life, both what you have done or accomplished and how you are as a person, your “being-ness.”