A School with a 20 plus year reputation for industry excellence.

In 2000, Robyn Logan was delivering workshops and consulting with organisations around change management.  She would incorporate what she called at the time, "Authentic Learning", into the process.  Each participant would be assigned a "trainer" to meet with them for an hour a week and support them to achieve whatever goals they had.  The results were tangible and measurable. Robyn then realised this interaction to be what was, back then, a relatively new and misunderstood concept called 'coaching'.  Wanting to learn more, she employed a great personal coach, and after 3 sessions knew that this was a fantastic method of bringing about deep sustainable change.  Coaching then became a huge part of her life, and changed the way she worked and lived.

At around the same time as her "coach awakening" Robyn was working with universities and other training institutions to help them move current f2f courses online. She had just finished my Masters in Education, specializing in Online Learning and was exploring the amazing potential the web offered training. It seemed a natural progression to share her new found love of coaching with the world via online training. International Coach Academy, a coach training school where anyone from anywhere in the world could train to become a coach was born.  CoachCampus, a community where coaches could network and connect started not long after.

The Benefits of Coaching Education with International Coach Academy

Education, networks and certification needed to coach anyone, anywhere in the world.

As pioneers in online learning, ICA was the very first Australian school to have their e-learning accredited by the ICF.  The online learnsite has been purpose built to host the curriculum and resources students need for their learning and certification.  CoachCampus is a thriving and diverse community, where our coaches connect, network and form lifelong friendships.

At International Coach Academy we specialise in the application of knowledge.  We use an online classroom to give you as much "knowledge" as we can upfront - then we work with students on applying that knowledge to their individual coaching goals and identify. Unlike other schools, who mostly teach a single model derived from the interests and expertise of the Founder, we teach students how to create their own model. A model that promotes and communicates their personality and values, who they will be as coach, and the problems they will solve.

All our programs are ACC and PCC Accredited Coach Education, pathwaysing to ICF credentials of ACC and PCC.  We made the decision to align with the ICF over other local or international options because the ICF continue to be the most established peak body in coaching worldwide, and coaching is a global profession.  A certification from ICA will communicate to future clients and employers that you have completed the required training to take on the role of 'Certified Professional Coach'.

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School Selection Guide

Are you considering Coach Training but not sure where to start?

We asked our community what criteria they used when choosing their school and then packaged it up into a quick checklist that might be useful for you.