International Coach Academy

Also referred to as "ICA" by the people who know us well - our students, graduates and staff.

Changing the world one coaching conversation at a time.

An ICF accredited coach training school with a 22 year reputation for excellence.
Delivering coach education online since 2001.

Pioneers In Online Learning


Years ICF Accreditation


Study Pathways




Classes each month

From Then to Now...

Global Pilot Program
launches with 20 students

First online school to be
accredited by the ICF

Chinese Language program launched
with Faculty in 7 cities across Asia

CoachCampus is born to host
our growing online community

FlipIt Framework is
introduced into the curriculum

The ICA Campus goes mobile

Learning Platforms purposefully built for the ICA Community

We have graduated thousands of students across the globe from over 126 countries. They connect daily via our purpose built Learning Management System (Learnsite) and social learning platform (our Campus).

  • Learning Management System

    Our LMS (or ‘Learnsite’ as we call it) has been purpose built for ICA students. It hosts our ICF Accredited curriculum, provides 24 hour access to learning materials, class schedules, curated resources, graduation checklists, and assessment guidelines.

    – ICF Accredited Curriculum
    – Learning materials
    – Theory Classes
    – Coaching Labs
    – Competency Labs
    – Mentor & Observed Coaching
    – Assessments


  • Community Platform & App

    Our community platform, or ‘the Campus’, is a social learning platform with coaches from over 126 countries, working across a range of specialities and niches. You can chat around the virtual water cooler or participate in the various learning activities.

    – Hang out & connect with peers
    – Find a Coach
    – Organise a meetup
    – Join the Peer Coaching Program
    – Participate in Coaching challenges
    – Develop your business
    – Connect with Alumni


A school built on consistently demonstrated values and philosophies

  1. The client is the expert in his or her own life. As coaches our role is to support the client to find the answers to their life challenges.
  2. Diversity is a resource to be valued. We respect the unique life journey and life choices of all people.
  3. “Coaching is from the heart”. This means practicing self-love and self-care to create a firm foundation from which to give to others in the coaching relationship.
  4. Which we focus on grows. Therefore, our focus is on strengths. We only focus on weaknesses if they appear as obstacles to building on our strengths.
  5. It's neccessary to live in alignment with ones own values. We try to practice this ourselves and to require it of our clients.
  6. Coaches are life long learners. We support our clients in a continual learning journey, just as we travel on ours.
  7. No one model of coaching has all of the answers for all coaching clients. We employ tools and models to support coaching but never to drive the process.
  8. It is an immense privilege to be invited into another person’s life to be a partner in their success. We also believe that with this privilege comes a responsibility to behave ethically at all times.

3 Key Characteristics of a Coach

  • 1


    Coaches need to be highly flexible and be open to change and possibility.

  • 2

    Be Innately Curious

    As a coach you need to focus on the client and be curious. This often means 'unlearning' the approach of consulting, teaching or telling.

  • 3

    Change Maker

    Coaches need to be creative, in the moment and be focused on the future rather than the past.

What Does It Take to Be a Coach?

  • 1

    Get More Beach in Your Life

    Coaching is extremely portable and flexible. You can coach anyone, anywhere in the world.

  • 2

    You Choose Who You Work With

    As a coach with your own coaching model, you choose who you work with and the type of change you will make in the world.

  • 3

    Create Your Own Wealth

    You decide the days and times you work, and are the driver of your own income.


Find the program and certification options best suited to your coaching goals, budget and timeframe for completion.