ICA Training Methodology


We Specialise in the Application of Knowledge

Our training is more than just zoom classes.  It's an interactive learning process with many human touch points and milestones along the way.

Coaching stems from a variety of theories and philosophies including adult education, positive psychology and organisational psychology.  And it can be found in an increasing number of industries and professions. For that reason, every ICA Coach graduates with their own unique coaching model.  A model that communicates who they are as a coach and the problems they solve.

Coaches are most often lifetime learners, continually seeking opportunities to acquire new knowledge, skills and experiences that are deep and sustainable. In response,  our learning method is about deep and life long learning. We assume that everyone who comes to coaching has a wealth of experience, knowledge or interest, that touches on coaching.  Our job is to provide you with an online curriculum that is challenging and engaging and then to help you figure out the questions you need to answer and the learning you need to develop as a coach.

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Coaching has roots from a variety of theories and philosophies, and can be found in an increasing number of industries and professions. It is not a singular practice. Consequently it cannot be taught as such.

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The 'Drip vs the Firehose' Method

The traditional style of learning that most of us grew up with was school or trainer directed where information is pushed on learners. It fails to recognise the many different learning styles and leaves little room for reflection. For this reason, we deliberately structure our classes in a consistent “drip” (ongoing classes, daily, weekly, monthly) instead of a ‘fire-hose’ event (intensive all day, multiple day workshops).  We use an online classroom to give you as much"knowledge" as we can upfront - then we work with you on applying that knowledge to your specific situation. This contextual style of program delivery allows for constant interaction between theory and practice and ample time for reflection and is sometimes referred to as 'Just in Time' or Flipped Learning.

It's also an interactive learning approach where, instead of passively absorbing information, students are encouraged to actively seek solutions to immediate problems, fostering critical thinking, application of knowledge, and skill development. Skills and knowledge are taught in the context of 'real-world' problems, with many opportunities to put theory into practice, enhancing the learning experience and solidifying the acquisition of knowledge.

Is the Coach Training Accredited?

ICA was one of the very first schools to have their online training accredited with the ICF – and this was way back in 2004.  We hold both ACC and PCC Program Accreditations with students in over 126 countries.

Is the Training F2F or Online?

Since its inception in 2001, ICA has delivered online training – referred to as e-learning.  This is an interactive process with many human touch points and milestones along the way.  Students follow the same learning model and curriculum but can choose the pace they study. 

Which Coaching Model underpins the training?

You will learn about the concept of a coaching model and be introduced to the ‘one size fits all’ option.  But, then we will teach you how to create your own unique coaching model. A model that reflects your values and personality, and communicates to future employers and clients who you are as a coach and the problems you solve.

What language is the training in?

Students can study in English, Chinese or Italian. Connect with a program advisor to learn more.

No Single Theory.  No Single Model

We ask you the question - how would you like to coach?  By doing this, you develop and graduate a coaching uniqueness and model that speaks to your future clients and employers about who you are as a coach and who you will coach.

Most if not all training programs currently on the market teach one specific coaching model. Quite often that model is derived from the interests and expertise of the Founder of the school. At ICA we teach “No Single Model” and we do that because it’s true!

Coaching as a profession has its roots in many diverse philosophies and disciplines including Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Appreciative Inquiry, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy etc. (just to name a few) and is increasingly influenced today by new ways of thinking, mindfulness, spirituality, brain based coaching etc. So we don’t teach any ONE MODEL. rather we teach you to read and digest a range of models and then we support you to develop your own mode. Its way more powerful and it draws on the expertise you ALREADY have.

Some of the areas of expertise, professions, theories and disciplines that might influence your model are:

- Organizational Psychology
- Health and Wellness Counseling
- Mentoring
- Change Management
- Leadership and Development

- Neuro Linguistic Programming
- Solutions Focused psychology
- Emotions Intelligence
- Spirituality & Self Development

Our Philosophy

Considerations When Selecting a School or Program

Book a one on one consultation, or download the self help guide, for support with choosing which program or certification will best match your coaching goals.


Find the program and certification options best suited to your coaching goals, budget and timeframe for completion.