Schedules for Busy People

International schedules with classes and labs across all time zones. Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Weekend.

Structured, Portable & Flexible Training

Our training is mobile.  You can study from anywhere, at anytime.

Our student centered learning focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and skills at the exact moment they are needed. This 'Just in Time' (or Flipped) learning model means that you, as the student, can approach your learning in a way that aligns with how you learn best.  You are the one that decides when and where you will engage with the learning, with the option to fast track or take your time.

At any time...

On the couch with a coffee, in your lunch break at work, on the train etc.

* module readings
* portfolio work
* journalling
* Peer conversations and networks in CoachCampus

At scheduled times

As set times and dates as shown on the Academic calendar

* Practicum Labs
* Mentor Coaching
* Observed Coaching
* Peer Coaching

Robyn Logan, PCC

When I completed my master’s in online learning, I did it online. I made connections with people because, very simply, I was coming to the learning when I wanted to be there. It’s called “just in time” learning. When I felt like learning I would log on and I would learn something. When I felt like connecting with other students I would log on and I would connect. This greatly influenced how I then structured the learning at ICA for our coaching community.

Robyn Logan, PCC CEO and Founder, ICA
  • 65% of students


  • 14% of students


  • 21% of students


Is it possible to schedule around an already busy life?

We get asked this question alot and it can be a concern for people who have already busy lives juggling families, work commitments, careers, leisure etc. Our class schedules are structured in a way that if you miss a class one week, you can take it another week.

TAKE YOUR TIME (up to 18 months)

- Pre Course Reading (1 hr)
- Class or Lab Attendance (5 hrs)
- Portfolio Development (30 mins)
- Reflection & Course Outcomes (30 mins)
- Peer Coaching (1hr)
Allocate 8 hrs per month (2 hrs per week)

FAST TRACK (9 - 12 months)

- Pre Course Reading (2 hrs)
- Class or Lab Attendance (9 hrs)
- Portfolio Development (30 mins)
- Reflection & Course Outcomes (30 mins)
- Peer Coaching (1hr)
Allocate 12 hrs per month (4-5 hrs per week)

Linear & Intuitive Pathways

The first thing you do when you join our training is spend some time looking around the virtual corridors of ICA - unpacking your learnsite, meeting your faculty, meeting your peers, and joining an orientation call.  

You will then attend an orientation call, and begin to map out your preferred study pathway. Those who prefer structure, predictability or routine can take a linear approach by attending each class or lab sequentially by course area.

Those who prefer to choose the order of their learning, or require attendance flexibility, can take an intuitive approach by choosing the order they attend classes and labs.  Most students do a blend of both, starting out with a linear approach and then customising their study schedule around already busy lives. 

What days & times do I need to be available for study?

The programs are structured (set number of hours and course areas) and there’s an international schedule with over 30 times each week across 4 time zones. You are the one that decides which days and times you attend.

Who will be in my cohort?

ICA has ongoing intakes with new cohorts starting each month.  You will meet those starting the same time as you in an orientation call.  But, you will also connect with all ICA coaches in the private forum, classes and labs.  We are one connected community. Read more

What if I need to take a break from my studies?

All students have the option to defer for up to 6 months.  During this time we will ‘stop the clock’ on your studies. When you are ready to return, we’ll get you set up again and back into your studies.

View Student Handbook

ICA has a 45 day learning guarantee. If you do not find benefit in your program and would like to withdraw within the first 45 days, you will be refunded all fees paid (less 10% admin).  You will be certified for any classes attended.

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What is a Linear Learning Pathway

For those who prefer predictability & prefer a regular routine

You will map out your attendance ahead of time, completing all classes and labs one after the other as they appear sequentially on the schedule.   Your study plan will most likely be routine, with you generally attending the same day and time each week. All classes and labs are scheduled at least once in each time option within your member period.

What is an Intuitive Learning Pathway

For those who know their learning needs or prefer to make decisions based on their time availability and personal preference.

This study pathway is adaptable and agile, with the classes and labs you attend determined by your personal situation or preference.  You might have a curiosity with a specific topic and decide to attend that as a stand alone class.  You can then return to complete the remainder of this course area at a later date. There’s still predictability (the schedule published 3 months ahead of time) but your decisions are based more on the learning and the times you are available for study, rather than the opportunity for routine.

What happens after graduation?

All graduates join ICA’s alumni, where they can continue developing their networks, friendships and coaching resources.  ICA Coaches can also continue selected classes and labs for 6 months post graduation via the graduate program (free)

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YOU decide the DAY and TIME you attend classes

Our Level 1 and Level 2 programs are all self paced - this means you are the one that decides how many classes you take a week, with the option to fast track or take your time. Over 30 classes a week, with morning, afternoon, evening, weekday and weekend options.