Take Our Programs With You Anywhere You Go

I chose ICA based on it being ICF accredited, and its flexible learning schedule. The strong peer-learning/coaching community and virtual classrooms with seasoned coaches supported me to learn coaching and learn about myself.
- Grace Hua Pan (ICA Graduate, China)

Do You Have Enough Time to Study?

We get asked this question alot and it can be a concern for people who have already busy lives juggling families, work commitments, careers, leisure etc. But, one of the main benefits of ICA's training delivery is that it's mobile.  You can study from anywhere, at anytime.  It's also flexible in that you decide when you learn and how many classes you take each week. If you miss a class one week, it doesn't matter because you can just pick it up the week after.

Robyn Logan (CEO and Founder), International Coach Academy

Our e-learning is more than Just Zoom Classes...

The concept of 'online training' is often misunderstood for being just a collection of self study resources or, more recently, a series of zoom classes. But that's not the case at ICA.  In 2001 we created an interactive e-learning methodology specifically for coaches - a beginning to end training solution that packages synchronous learning with practicum, self study and reflection.

As a student you will have 24/7 access to the ICA learnsite - the central hub that holds all your required learning materials; module downloads, video tutorials, curated resources, class schedules (that span all time zones), expert faculty, peer coaching networks, and a private coaches forum with global networks and friendships. It's a methodology with industry credibility and success, and one where you as the learner is central to the process.

Flexibility with Structure

The first thing you do when you join our training is spend some time looking around the virtual corridors of ICA - unpacking your learnsite, meeting your faculty, meeting your peers, and joining an orientation call.

Then using your graduation checklist and program structure you will map out a study routine that best matches your learning and coaching goals. Each program comes with a membership period but you have flexibility within this to fast track (3 classes a week) or take your time (1 class a week).  And, you can vary this depending on how things are tracking for you at work or at home.

Over 30 classes a week to choose from

Our students come from all over the world so our Class Schedule mirrors the needs of our students.  We have over 30 classes per week with modules rotating through a class time.  This means you can choose a class times that suits your lifestyle and take each modules as it cycles through that time. Because classes do not need to be taken in any particular order, if you miss a class, you can take it at a later stage.

Do classes need to be taken in a particular order?

The coach training programs are divided into courses and each course contains modules and teleclasses associated with the modules.  Courses and modules can be taken in any order and there's a flexible or structured study pathway.

What would an average week look like?

It's different for everyone because we all have our own family and work schedules that we need to work around.  For someone wanting to fast track their studies and complete in 6 to 9 months they would need to take 2 to 3 classes a week.  Those wanting to take things a bit slower, and use up their full 18 months would only need to take 1 - 2 classes a week.

Example Schedule

Based on fast track option for Certified Program

  • Live Teleclasses (3 hours per week)

    Monday @ 8pm: Course Labs
    Saturday @ 10am: Mentor Coaching
    Saturday @ 11am: Core Curriculum

  • Self Study (30 mins each week)

    This includes connecting with your peers in the forum (reading and commenting on portfolios, finding a peer coach or offering to be a peer client) or preparing your course outcomes.

  • Peer Coaching (30 mins)

    Either be the coach or be the client to make up your peer coaching hours.

* And of course this is flexible.  It might be that one week you only do 1 class, and then 4 the next week.  Or, you might do all your self study in one block at the end of the month instead of each week.

** For those wanting to self pace, the hours per week shown above would be reduced by half

How fast can I graduate?

With the flexible training schedule you can graduate in as little as 6 months by taking multiple classes per week and logging your coaching hours.

How long can I take to graduate?

Each coach training program includes a certain number of months access. For example the certified coach training program allows you to take up to 18 month access which is generally plenty of time, however with all our programs if you need more time, you can extend your access to the program with an $85 per month membership until your graduate.

What if things change and I need to take a break from my studies?

Most of the students in our program have ongoing family or work commitments that influence the time they set aside for study. We totally  understand that and for this reason our programs are flexible and designed so that you create the study schedule that fits with your lifestyle and not the other way around.  If for some reason you find you need to take a break from your studies, then we have an enrollment variation policy where you can stop the clock on your studies for up to 6 months.

Can you really connect other students in a virtual learning environment?

The resounding answer to this question is YES and it's one of the key benefits of training at International Coach Academy with coaches from all over the world. Strong friendships and professional networks along with a global perspective on coaching issues and skills.

What if I miss a class?

If you are unable to attend a class / a particular module, simply wait until that modules comes around again in your same class time or choose a different class time where that module is offered. You have between 6 months and 18 months to complete the program depending on which program you choose and this is ample time to complete all modules.

What if I can't complete the classes within the time frame?

We understand that things come up in life which take the focus away from Coach Training such as the birth of children, moving, work challenges, illness and other family commitments. This is why we offer the option to extend your training on a month by month basis for $85 USD per month for as long as you need to complete your training.

Abigail Wallin<br/>Life Coach, UNITED STATES

The best memories at ICA are the teleclasses. They are full of wonderful conversation and serve as an interactive learning experience.

Abigail Wallin

Which Program to Choose?

When choosing a program it's important to consider how you would like to learn (which might be different to how you have learnt before), what pathway options are available to for further study or credentialing, program value for money,  and  how the program will fit your lifestyle.  To help you make these key decisions, we've shared some insights into our program.  Take the Program Selection Quiz to find the program best for you.