Showcasing You as a Coach

Hit The Ground Running With Your own UNIQUE Coaching Portfolio; Unique Coaching Model, Niche, Power Tool and Coaching Research

Identify Your Strengths.  Maximise Your Potential.

Most clients are not looking for just coaching.  They are looking for a solution to a problem - and in most cases this problem feels specific to them. So, it's vital that they can find you, and that it's clear up front the type of coaching you offer.   At ICA, we help you create the information that will link you with your future clients and employers.

With our support you will develop your own unique portfolio of coaching tools and resources that showcase your uniqueness. After defining your niche you will create a coaching model and related content.  You can then use this content to share with clients personally or via your online presence (website, linkedin, facebook etc).

Alongside your coach training, you will develop the following portfolio of content:

You will create your own coaching model...

One of the elements of our training that we are most proud of is that we teach our students to create their own coaching model.  So, we ask them to answer the question - how would you like to coach?  And, then provide the tools, guidance and learning needed for them to create their own coaching model. One that will speak to future clients and employers about who they are as a coach and their own unique methodology.  At last count our community had 680 Different Coaching Models.

Graduate Coaching Models

You will create your own Coaching Power Tool...

Building on from their coaching model and niche, each graduate creates their own Coaching Power Tool. This tool is designed around the 'Reframing Perspectives' concept and is intended to help move their clients from a disempowered perspective to an empowered perspective. A This vs That tool to help shift a perspective and help clients rethink the way they think.

Graduate Power Tools

You will showcase your knowledge and awareness via Coaching Research...

This portfolio piece demonstrates to your future clients that you understand your market or coaching area of interest.  It's an opportunity to showcase how your niche connects with coaching, can benefit from coaching, or can be practiced in conjunction with coaching.  This is a requirement only for those studying at ACTP level.

What Sort Of Coach Will You Be?

The one thing that all coaches have in common is that they feel a natural talent or desire to create positive change in their lives, or the lives of others.  But, within this profession there's many different niches and applications.  Take our quick quiz to find out what sort of coach you will be.