Learning Online with ICA

Technology makes the learning possible.  But it's the stories we share, and the human connections we make, that bring the learning to life.

NEW! Accredited Team & Group Coach Education

Exclusive to ICA's Advanced Coach Training Program Read More

Pioneers in Online Learning

ICA programs were designed to be online (e-learning) and have been this way for over 20 years.

The concept of 'online training' is often misunderstood for being just a collection of self study, downloadable, or F2F programs that have moved online. But that's not, or ever has been, the case at ICA.  Our interactive methodology was created in 2001, specifically for coaches, and specifically for 'online learning', and our curriculum was one of the very first in the world to be accredited by the ICF.   We also know how critical human connection and social interaction are to the process of learning so when you join our school, you join an online network, with coaches in 126 countries.

Our e-learning is more than just zoom classes and downloads...



We have long understood how critical social interaction is to learning, building coaching confidence, peer collaboration, and a sense of community.  For this reason, as soon as you join our training, we connect you with our private learning networks (Learnsite and Campus).

  • Learning Management System

    Our LMS (or ‘Learnsite‘ as we call it) has been purpose built for ICA students. It hosts our ICF Accredited curriculum, provides 24 hour access to learning materials, class schedules, curated resources, graduation checklists, and assessment guidelines.

    – ICF Accredited Curriculum
    – Course Booklets
    – Curated Resources
    – Theory Class Schedules
    – Coaching Lab Schedules
    – Mentor & Observed Coaching Schedules
    – Assessments

  • Community Platform

    Our community platform, CoachCampus, is a where our coaches from over 126 countries connect and collaborate. You can chat around the virtual water cooler or participate in the various learning activities. Take a sneak peek.

    – Hang out & connect with peers
    – Find a Coach or Client
    – Organise a meetup
    – Participate in Coaching challenges
    – Develop your business
    – Access shared networks and resources
    – Join country or language groups

Participation and Expectations

Connect with your Learning, and the ICA Community, from anywhere and at any time. On the train, with a coffee on the couch, or in your lunchbreak at work! The global nature of our training means that that there is always someone online, and always an activity you can participate in or complete.

  • Classes

    Our classes are quite structured, meaning that you know what to expect before you dial in and can prepare accordingly. Students will be connecting from many different countries, but they will most likely live in a country or region that has the same time zone as you.

  • Labs

    ‘Doing’ is critical in the learning process. In labs, you will practice the techniques and skills you learn throughout your studies. You will start by observing the coaching demonstrations of others, and then when you feel ready, take on the role of coach yourself.

  • Mentoring

    Mentor Coaching is where you coach with expert feedback and observe the coaching feedback and mentoring of your peers. The feedback is specifically tied to the ICF Core Competencies and designed to improve the quality of your coaching presence and skills.

  • Peer Coaching

    Pro bono or reciprocal coaching where you take on the role of coach and client and develop a coach starter pack for your ideal client.  Your peer coaching can count towards the ICF credential of ACC, PCC or MCC.

  • Your Coaching Model

    We’ll introduce you to the ‘one size fits all’ models and then support you to create your own unique coaching model.  A model that communicates to future clients and employees who you are as a coach, and the problems you solve.

  • Portfolio Development

    All ICA coaches graduate with their own unique coaching portfolio.  These will showcase your coaching niche, ideal client, values and expertise.  Your portfolio will help you graduate ‘Business Ready’.

Get Your Questions Answered

Connect with an ICA Expert to get your questions answered.  They can help you map out which study option will best suit your learning style, coaching goals, budget and timeframe for completion.   Book an appointment here.

What days & times do I need to be available for study?

The programs are structured (set number of hours and course areas) and there’s an international schedule with over 30 times each week across 4 time zones. You are the one that decides which days and times you attend. Read more

Who will be in my cohort?

ICA has ongoing intakes with new students joining each month.

But, unlike traditional cohort learning, where you are restricted to an allocated group with a set start and end date, you get to choose if, and which, your group to join.  The commonality might be language, country or even niche.  You also have the option to create your own group.

In summary, you get to choose the people you would like to learn and connect with, and there’s students in over 126 countries also wanting to share and collaborate.

What if I need to take a break from my studies?

Needing to take a break?

All students have the option to defer for up to 6 months.  During this time we will ‘stop the clock’ on your studies. When you are ready to return, we’ll get you set up again and back into your studies.

View Student Handbook

Refund Policy

ICA has a 45 day learning guarantee. If you do not find benefit in your program and would like to withdraw within the first 45 days, you will be refunded all fees paid (less 10% admin).  You will be certified for any classes attended.

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Who will be 'sitting' next to me in classes and labs

ICA’s programs are flexible, with the option to fast track or take your time.  For this reason, you will find students from different learning levels in your classes (some just starting out, and others nearing completion).  The benefit being that you can learn from those who have ‘been there’ before you and collaborate with those at your same level. You will also find that the students in your classes and labs are most likely in the same country or time zone.

What happens after graduation?

All graduates join ICA’s alumni, where they can continue developing their networks, friendships and coaching resources.  ICA Coaches can also continue selected classes and labs for 6 months post graduation via the graduate program (free)

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Rossella Pin


Julia Griffin
(All Regions)

Susan McCauley


Viya Chen


Downloadable module with lessons (free), live class with real faculty and students ($28) or a short course with Coach Certification.  All learning and participation can be credited towards future ACC or PCC Accredited study.