ReThink The Way You Think

"My whole ICA journey has been memorable, it gave me the space to re-discover and redefine myself"
- Maria Spanou (ICA Graduate, Greece)


FlipIt Labs are included in the Vocational, Certified and Advanced programs

How it Works...

The FlipIt Framework uses the ICA Power Tools to help you "reframe a perspective".

The Power Tools are concepts based on dualities – things that are the opposite of one another e.g. good/bad, empowered/disempowered, negative/positive.They were created from the idea that at any given time our perspective on a given situation or event is a choice. It may not be a conscious choice, but nonetheless it is a choice.

For example, we can choose to approach a new job or relationship with fear and trepidation, or we can choose to approach it with confidence and curiosity. And that choice will affect the happiness and satisfaction we feel.

A 4 step process

  • 1

    Find It - Choose Your Problem or Issue

    The Trainer will ask you to think about an issue or challenge that you are having in your life. It might be something new, or it could be a problem you have tried to solve a million times before. Ideally, it is an issue that you actively want to change and that you are prepared to change.

  • 2

    Feel It - Explore How You Feel About It

    In this step you pinpoint exactly what feelings are occurring in relation to your problem. Sometimes we jump straight into fix-it mode and skip the step of expressing feelings and connecting them to the issue. When you don't allow time to feel your emotions or sit in your feelings, any changes you make are less likely to be sustainable.

  • 3

    Frame It - Identify Your Current Perspective

    At any given time, we are looking at our world through our own personal 'frame'. How that looks is dependent on the frame through which you view experiences in life. And our perceptions can vary. Consider what “frame” or “perspective” you are using to view your issue or challenge

  • 4

    FlipIt - Flip It For a Better Future

    Trying on a new perspective is like trying on new shoes; you need to walk around in them for a bit and see how they feel. The final and most exciting stage of the process is where you reframe your perspective by 'FLIPPING’ your Power Tool Card. In this step you turn your card over and consider your issue from a new perspective.


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