Coaching Niches and Specialities

When we began training coaches in 2001, most wanted to walk away from their careers to become 'Life Coaches'.  Today, our coaches blend their skills, interests and professions with coaching to change lives of individuals or organisations.

Robyn Logan, CEO

Coaching is Contextual

The best coaches integrated their years of experience and knowledge into highly crafted coaching niches.

As more and more people become acquainted with the power of coaching it is being used in more diverse situations and environments. We are no longer looking at “Life coaching” or “Executive coaching” as being the two key coaching styles, we are now seeing yoga coaching, parent coaching, adoptions coaching, even pet coaching.

For that reason, we teach the skill of coaching. And, then encourage students to identify their niche as a way of showcasing their coaching uniqueness. And, this can change over time.

For example: You might begin as a Life Coach, but then decide to narrow that down further and become a Retirement Coach. Or, you might develop an interest in health and well being and become a Fitness Coach.

Coaching is Client Driven

Clients are looking for specialised coaches who can help them with specific challenges.

When coaching was a new profession, it was perfectly acceptable to simply call yourself a coach. But today the coaching profession is well developed across many industries and professions around the globe and the need to specialize is increasing.

Although Coaching is not consulting, teaching or mentorin, it is possibile to blend it with an existing profession or industry, where the coaching relationship and structure can be integrated. In a company for example it is often the CEO, Team Manager or HR Manager who instigates the coaching and there are often very specific goals that the company has. Coaching can be integrated with an existing structure or management process to achieve these goals.

As part of ICA's Coach Training we will support you to identify who you will be as a coach, and who you will coach. Some students begin their studies and develop this along the way, while others already have an idea that they they further develop during their training.  By the time each student graduates they are 'coach ready' and ready to become a Personal Coach, Corporate Coach or Blended Coach.

In this panel discussion, Robyn Logan (CEO) speaks with ICA students and Graduates about their unique coaching identities, their passions,  and how they found (or are finding) their coaching niche

Coaching is Cultural

‘Cultural Competencies’ is a different concept to “Cross Cultural Coaching” The latter is a process whereby the coach is working with a client on cross cultural issues. These could be challenges around relocating to another country, or challenges to do with managing a diverse cultural team for example. “Cultural competencies” on the other hand describe the skills and competence of the coach, and their ability to work with clients from a variety of cultural backgrounds.

Having taught coaches and coaching in over 90 different countries around the word and in both English and Chinese, we have a deep understanding of how coaching is practiced in a variety of niches, cultures, and languages. From this we have developed a philosophy and training framework that will equip you with the necessary skill to coach anyone, anywhere in the world. 

Attracting the Ideal Client

Students in the Vocational, Certified and Advanced programs define their niche and then create their own unique coaching model and/or coaching power tool.  This is content that can be used to promote yourself as a coach, your coaching services, and the problems you solve.

Create Your Own Unique Coaching Model
ICA firmly believes that every coaching model is unique.  We don't teach the cookie cutter approach, but instead, support students to develop their own model and one that will specifically support how they plan to use coaching.  It's a framework to communicate their coaching expertise and process Read student coaching models.

Create Your Own Coaching Power Tool
Trademarked to ICA, Coaching Power Tools are a this vs that concept.  It's a tool you can use with clients to help them shift a perspective, or see a situation from two opposing perspectives.  The ICA Curriculum has 9 Power Tools, but by developing their own Power Tool, you gain a deeper understanding of the concept, as well as a valuable resource you can use as part of their coaching practice.  Read Student Coaching power tools.

Invest Time in Coaching Research
Coaching Research Papers are an opportunity for ICA coaches to document research they have conducted into an area of coaching.  Your research paper can explore a coaching practice indepth, such as how neuroscience influences coaching.  This is then shared with clients or future employees as evidence of your coaching interest and commitment to learning. Read student research papers.

Some students prefer to do a coaching case study where they get to articulate their clients problem or goal and summarise the coaching skills and tools they used over the course of their coaching sessions and reflect on the outcome for the client.  The case study is an opportunity to put theory into practice and consolidate learning through reflection. Read some case studies.

ICA Graduate Portfolios


Downloadable module with lessons (free), live class with real faculty and students ($28) or a short course with Coach Certification.  All learning and participation can be credited towards future ACC or PCC Accredited study.