Become a Certified Life Coach


The Life Coaching Industry

The life coaching industry has seen significant growth in recent years, as more people seek support and guidance to achieve their personal and professional goals. According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), the number of professional coaches worldwide has increased by over 20% in the last decade.

Becoming a Certified Life Coach is a popular career choice for those who have a desire to help others. Accredited life coach training programs provide the necessary skills and knowledge to work with clients and help them identify their goals and develop the strategies they need to achieve them. Life coaches can work with clients on a wide range of issues, including career development, relationships, stress management, and personal growth.

Transitioning to Life Coaching as a Career

Many people who choose to become a Certified Life Coach have a background in fields such as counseling, human resources, or business. They often also have a passion for helping people reach their full potential. Life coaches help clients with a variety of challenges, including finding balance in life, setting and achieving goals, improving communication and relationships, and overcoming self-doubt.

While transitioning to a career as a Certified Life Coach can be rewarding, it can also be challenging. You have to learn new skills and knowledge (and sometimes even "unlearn" existing thought patterns) and building a client base, all while staying motivated and juggling training and certification with work/family commitments.

At ICA you receive additional support from our coaching community, which is incredibly strong, connected and global. So there is always someone to talk to no matter which timezone you are in. We also provide business building, marketing and technical resources to help you attract the right kind of clients for you.

Use Your Expertise to Specialize as a Life Coach

You'll find that most coach training schools cover the same curriculum, especially if they are accredited with the ICF. What is different about ICA is that we don't teach these concepts within a singular theoretical framework. Rather we embed the skills and knowledge in a range of theories and models and then help you find your place within that.

The result is that you leave ICA with a fully formed coaching niche that is unique to you. You might have a leaning towards positive psychology in which case your coaching style would reflect that. Or you might be a systems thinking person, or interested in brain based coaching. Whatever it is, we work with your interests and strengths and help you create a coaching process and style that is unique to you and the people you will be working with.

Meet Our Certified Life Coaches

Our Graduate Life Coaches specialize in a diverse range of niches.

Wendy Sadd, Life Coach, AUSTRALIA

Wendy Sadd has over 15 years of coaching experience including working as a leadership coach, team coach and executive coach. She is currently a Certified Money Coach, Accountant and Business Advisor.

Wendy is a highly skilled professional who helps her clients transform many aspects of their lives, by addressing underlying money issues which may look like financial issues, but in fact the financial issues in most cases are merely the symptom of something else that is hidden. Wendy has over 10 years of experience in the field of education, and brings a unique perspective to her coaching practice by utilizing her knowledge of behavior and emotions. She is empathetic listener, who is able to understand the client's needs and provide them with the right guidance and support.

There have been many memorable moments for me. I have enjoyed all of my ICA journey. The training has really improved my personal growth and development. I have especially enjoyed connecting with peer coaches from all around the world.

Wendy developed a unique coaching model during her studies at ICA. Converse to Traverse is based on the idea that in order to move forward in life, one must first understand where they currently stand.

Transforming Relationships: The Power of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is the title of Wendy's Research Paper. NVC is a communication method that emphasizes empathy, compassion, and understanding. The research paper discusses the benefits of NVC in coaching and how it can be used to improve communication between coach and client. The paper also describes how NVC can be used to help clients express themselves more effectively, improve relationships, and resolve conflicts.

Brittany Andreaggi, Life Coach, USA

Brittany is a recent graduate of International Coach Academy and a Care Partner at Within Health Brittany has a strong background in the field of human resources, with experience in talent management, employee engagement, and organizational development. She also has over 4 years experience in the eating disorder field and is certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Brittany has worked individually with clients of all ages, backgrounds and genders, helping them to empower themselves on their recovery journey. Her clients are able to lead a joyful and nourished life.

It was amazing to see coaching in classes and witness lightbulbs going off as clients were able to take a new perspective and see the possibility of other alternatives, actions and outcomes. There has been nothing more rewarding than being able to be a part of the journey for so many of the amazing people I have had the pleasure of connecting with through ICA.

In her coaching model "In My Worth," Brittany focuses on empowering clients to take control of their lives and make positive changes. The model is based on the idea that an individual's self-worth is not determined by external factors, but by internal beliefs and values.

Brittany explores the concept of neuroplasticity and how it relates to coaching in her research paper titled "Understanding the Benefits of Neuroplasticity within Coaching". This paper delves into how the brain's ability to change and adapt can be utilized in coaching to help clients achieve their goals. It also highlights the benefits of using neuroplasticity in coaching, including improved self-awareness, better decision-making, and increased resilience.

Glenda Francis, Life Coach, USA

Wendy Sadd has over 15 years of coaching experience including working as a leadership coach, team coach and executive coach. She is currently a Certified Money Coach, Accountant and Business Advisor.

Wendy is a highly skilled professional who helps her clients transform many aspects of their lives, by addressing underlying money issues which may look like financial issues, but in fact the financial issues in most cases are merely the symptom of something else that is hidden. Wendy has over 10 years of experience in the field of education, and brings a unique perspective to her coaching practice by utilizing her knowledge of behavior and emotions. She is empathetic listener, who is able to understand the client's needs and provide them with the right guidance and support.

There have been many memorable moments for me. I have enjoyed all of my ICA journey. The training has really improved my personal growth and development. I have especially enjoyed connecting with peer coaches from all around the world.

Wendy developed a unique coaching model during her studies at ICA. Converse to Traverse is based on the idea that in order to move forward in life, one must first understand where they currently stand.

Transforming Relationships: The Power of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is the title of Wendy's Research Paper. NVC is a communication method that emphasizes empathy, compassion, and understanding. The research paper discusses the benefits of NVC in coaching and how it can be used to improve communication between coach and client. The paper also describes how NVC can be used to help clients express themselves more effectively, improve relationships, and resolve conflicts.