Certified Coach Training (ACTP), with International Peer Networks...


125 hr ACTP as accredited with the International Coach Federation (Peak body for coaching worldwide)


Graduate as a Certified Professional Coach, with the option to pursue an ACC or PCC credential.

Study Mode

Study via our online learning platform (established in 2004), with theory classes (zoom), practicum labs , peer coaching, private coaches forum.


125 hours with the option to fast track (9 months) or take your time (18 months).  Over 50 classes a week to choose from.

The Benefits of Coaching are Real and Tangible

Becoming a coach is not just a new revenue stream or change of career, it's a new way of being.   Coaching will give you the freedom and flexibility to decide when and where you work, how often you work, and who you work with.  Students who join our coach training come with the goal of certification.  But, they leave with a lot more than that.  They graduate with lifelong networks and friendships, and a new way of approaching their work and life.

And with our programs - you self pace.  With over 30 classes a week to choose from, you get to choose what days and times you study.  Perfect for people with a busy work or family life.  View Schedule

Pioneers in E-Learning (since 2001)

ICA's training has been online, and accredited by the ICF, since 2001.  Our Learnsite has over 20 years of modules, curated resources and coaching conversations.  Before attending classes you will read a module or watch an instructional video.  Following classes you will reflect on your learning through coaching practicum, course outcomes, forum reflections and portfolio development.

Our coaches are independant, well trained professionals who carve out a unique place for themselves in the global coaching industry.

Our coaches join our programs with one or more of the following coaching goals in mind.

1. Become a Professionally Certified Coach with their own coaching practice
2. Become a Professionally Certified Coach, and work in a corporate setting
3. Blend Coaching skills with their existing career
4. Learn Coaching skills to add value to their life

Our coaches graduate with ready made Coaching Portfolios that showcase their uniqueness

Coach Certification for Professionals

As the world continues to evolve with new ways of being and doing, it's not surprising that coaching has stepped forward as being a profession pivotal in facilitating positive change. As a coach you take on the role of advocate, sounding board and accountability partner.  You will help people clarify their values, beliefs, feelings, and goals, and will hold a safe space for them to transform and thrive. Coaching is a profession with portability and a global application - meaning that with today's easily accessed technologies, you can coach anyone, anywhere in the world from your own home or office.

The Certified Professional Coach Program has been delivered via e-learning since 2001, and accredited with the ICF since 2004.  Our coaches work locally and Internationally, and have all developed their own unique coaching model.

ACTP Program Hours: 125 hrs
Learnsite Access: up to 18 months
ICF Credential Pathway: ACC or PCC via the “ACTP track”
Syllabus: Download Here

Our Unique Approach

At ICA we are unique in both our approach and the length of time we have been delivering our programs online.

Cutting Edge Instructional Design

The team of instructional designers who developed our learning platform in 2001 were amongst the first group of educators to develop and design online learning in Australia. The advantage this has given us as a school is that many of the teething problems and learning issues associated with online learning have been resolved

Inclusive Pedagogy

Our training is designed with adult learners in mind. It is flexible, taught by real world practitioners and aims to provide tangible value. It is also designed to cater to diverse cultural and educational learning styles.

Course Structure

The course is flexible and self paced, with a choice of following a structured path, or customising your own.  Classes span across 6 days a week, with morning, afternoon and evening options. You can choose to take 1 class a week, or 5 classes a week.

Core Coaching Skills
Learn how to release judgement and give effective feedback in a workplace context.

Coaching Mindset
Develop the attributes of a coaching mindset (as opposed to consulting or training)

Reframing Tools
Learn 8 key perspectives that can shift any workplace situation and remove barriers to success

Practice Labs
Practice your skills in a small group setting with feedback from both Faculty and peers

Peer Coaching
Team up with fellow students and practice your coaching skills

Managers & Leaders

Using coaching skills have received some sort of coach-specific training

People and Organisations

Who receive/use coaching expect their coaches to be certified/credentialed


Are of the view that coaching should become regulated.

Service Professionals

Increase in the number of service professionals now adding coaching


Choose training accredited by a professional coaching organisation.


Our coaches come from all around the world (over 90 countries). They create global strategic partnerships, and life long friendships, and all share one passion - the power of coaching. Find out the pathways our Graduate Coaches have taken and the niches they work in.