Additional Resources & Information

In 2004 ICA was the first Australian coach training school to have an online curriculum accredited by the ICF.  Since then we have expanded into 126 countries around the world, and remain one of the leading accredited providers worldwide.

What is Accreditation?

The ICF “accredits” programs via an application process that involves rigorous external scrutiny and quality testing. The program curriculum is mapped across core competencies, with faculty, assessment and learning processes all assessed.

What is Certification?

Certification is a recognized statement of attainment that indicates you have been assessed by a training provider as having the industry recognized skills and expertise required to practice as a coach. Certification is issued by independent training schools.

What is a Credential?

Credentials are issued by the peak body for coaching, the ICF. There are three levels of designation: ACC (Associate Credentialed Coach, PCC (Professional credentialed Coach) or MCC (Master Certified Coach

Pathways equate to Choices

It's important to plan a learning journey that matches your coaching goals.  But, it needs to be flexible and if needed, changeable.

Certification pathways are where one program can lead into another, or where learning credits from partial completion of one program, can be credited to another program.  Because, even the best laid plans, goals, or intentions can change.

Coach training certification then leads to a coaching credential (optional but highly regarded). Too often we are approached by coaches who have completed non-ICF certified training only to find that it doesn't pathway to an ICF credential.  Their choices are limited, time consuming and expensive. So, even if you don't think you will need a credential, keep the option open by pursuing ICF Accredited Training.

Coaching 101 Webinar

Connect via Zoom

Meeting ID: 844 3213 3267
Passcode: ICA
Duration: 60 mins

* check email for event confirmation

Download the ICA Syllabus to learn more about the role Certification and Credentialing have within and beyond your coach education.