A Coaching Model Created by Axela Rinoa
(Leadership and Entrepreneurship Coach, UNITED KINGDOM)
In Chinese philosophy TAO means the absolute principle underlying the universe Continue…
Coach Training School
A Coaching Model Created by Axela Rinoa
(Leadership and Entrepreneurship Coach, UNITED KINGDOM)
In Chinese philosophy TAO means the absolute principle underlying the universe Continue…
Research Paper By Sherri Lojzer
(Women’s Leadership Coach, CANADA)
By nature, leaders need to be decision makers at all levels and have the confidence to push forward on sometimes difficult issues and tough agendas to reach the greater Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Anne Prieur
This model came to me as an evidence during my yoga teacher training in July 2014 when we started discussing the myth Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Nadia Themistokleous
(Transformational Coach, CYPRUS)
“Dream is living”, it’s what my father used to tell me very often as I was a child. Many times in our daily routine from stress, work Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Vicki Walker
(Leadership Coach, USA)
What is REAL coaching you may ask? While I do consider myself a realist, typically grounded in reality, with a daily attempt at “keeping it real” Continue…
Research Paper By Virginie Mangin
(Career Coach, SWITZERLAND)
Why the question: During my training with ICA one recurring theme kept coming up: communication. Whether it was interacting with others Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Vicki Walker
(Leadership Coach, USA)
Wouldn’t it feel wonderful if we lived every day of our lives in complete self-assuredness? Always knowing that we are where we are in life because of our strengths, abilities, Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Beng Lai Tan
(Business Coach, SINGAPORE)
The root of success in everything, from academics to business to leadership to personal relationships and everything else is thinking Continue…
Research Paper By Vicki Walker
(Leadership Coach, USA)
My client, we’ll call her Metis for the purposes of this case study, came to me through the ICA peer coaching process. I’ll admit, at first I was a little intimidated to take her on as a client. Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Virginie Margin
(Career Coach, SWITZERLAND)
At first glance it can seem easy to be in the passenger’s seat of a car. You can just put your feet up on the dashboard, open the window and enjoy the ride. If anything goes wrong and Continue…
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