A Coaching Model Created by Martina Malavenda
(Relationship Coach, ITALY)
Listening to someone seems to be one of the most intuitive things a person is supposed to put in practice: we believe it’s enough shutting Continue…
Coach Training School
A Coaching Model Created by Martina Malavenda
(Relationship Coach, ITALY)
Listening to someone seems to be one of the most intuitive things a person is supposed to put in practice: we believe it’s enough shutting Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Martina Malavenda
(Relationship Coach, ITALY)
When it comes to having healthier, more successful and smoother relationships with others, being able to have open communication with them Continue…
Research Paper By Camille Gold
(Communication and Relationships Coach, UNITED STATES)
As I anticipate graduation and certification from ICA, as well as future credentialing from ICF, there is a mix of emotions. Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Camille Gold
(Communication and Relationships Coach, UNITED STATES)
Have you ever been in the process of going out for a walk or a run and, as you pull your sneakers from under your bed, you find the laces tangled in knots? Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Camille Gold
(Communication and Relationships Coach, UNITED STATES)
With the exception of physical sensation (i.e. not happy when in pain, satisfied after a good meal, etc.) it is not events that cause feelings Continue…
Research Paper By Paul Lewis
(Transformational Coach, UNITED STATES)
Barriers stand in the way of effective communication, resolution, performance, and output. “Peace” – internal – is the balance that helps Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Paul Lewis
(Transformational Coach, UNITED STATES)
Assessing High Energy Performance highlights individual and group ‘dynamics’: what’s working and what isn’t working. The shift comes Continue…
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Paul Lewis
(Transformational Coach, UNITED STATES)
There’s a powerful underlying belief that often undermines momentum, progress, and outcomes: Doubt. Uncertainty, combined with a lack Continue…
Research Paper By Paola Knecht
(Transformational Coach, SWITZERLAND)
The classical style of leadership has taught us that leaders show us the way: They represent a common goal, vision or ideal, which people identify Continue…
A Coaching Model Created by Paola Knecht
(Transformational Coach, SWITZERLAND)
This model is inspired by the law of Gender: all of us have masculine and feminine qualities, which shape profoundly our character Continue…
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