Alex had worked in the Logistics Industry. in both Australia and the US, for over 30 years. He had risen from driver/office worker Continue…
Research Paper: Interview with Bernie Wheatley About Power Tools
Research Paper By Alex Stewart
(Career Coaching, AUSTRALIA)
So obviously the power tools are a very central part of the teaching and coaching process and they’re unique to the system. How did you pull those together? What was it about the power tools Continue…
Power Tool: Clarity vs. Confusion
A Coaching Power Tool Created by Alex Stewart
(Career Coaching, AUSTRALIA)
My Powertool is Clarity vs Confusion and the tree with its roots is my metaphor and symbol for the client gaining insight and clarity through the process of coaching. Continue…
Coaching Model: Clarity
A Coaching Model Created by Alex Stewart
(Career Coaching, AUSTRALIA)
As a career coach my model is guided by offering an objective solution for those in the workplace; a coaching space to come to, to get clarity and insight into work-based issues through the ‘back and forth’ Continue…