Coach Certification for students living in Europe

Start a New Career, Or Add Coaching to Your Current Profession

International Coach Academy graduates hold an international certification that is recognized both globally, as well as locally within Europe.

When coaching was a new profession, it was perfectly acceptable to simply call yourself a coach. But today, the coaching profession is well-developed across many industries and professions around the globe. Coaches need to be certified, credentialed and to showcase their uniqueness.

With an extensive range of professional coaching programs (download course guide), we provide the perfect foundation for aspiring coaches to learn and develop their skills. You will graduate from your ICA program with the skills to coach anyone, anywhere in the world. But we will also teach you how to specialize and attract clients. From this, you will create your own niche and coaching model.

As an ICF Accredited school, we offer Level 1 and Level 2 Accredited Coach Training Programs with direct pathways to an ACC or PCC Credential. Graduate as a Certified Professional within 8 - 12 months. ICA programs are designed to equip you with the knowledge and strategies to help you become a successful coach.

ICA specialises in e-learning, having been one of the very schools to have an online curriculum accredited with the ICF (back in 2004).  Programs are delivered via live classes and labs (across all time zones) with access to ICA's Learnsite for downloadable modules, schedules, curated resources, and community connections.

The overwhelming majority of coaches (80%) agree that their clients expect coaches to be certified/credentialed, including 42% strongly agreeing and 38% somewhat agreeing.

ICF Global Study into Coaching (2023) ICF Global Study into Coaching (2023)


Our coaching programs will teach you the art and skill of coaching, and then encourage and support you to identify your coaching niche. Our Practice-based curriculum provides a thorough grounding in the latest theories and philosophies of coaching, whilst integrating the skills and concepts into practice with hands on Coaching Demos and participation in a Peer Coaching Program.

The Academic Schedule allows you to work at your own pace within a structured curriculum, providing the required time needed for practice and reflection. The peer coaching program and coach development labs provide a safe space for you to test and refine your new coaching skills, with many opportunities for feedback and questions. It is a continuous cycle of growth.

You will graduate as a successful coach with the knowledge and expertise to confidently coach within a private coaching practice, a workplace, corporation, or within your existing career or profession. In this rewarding career, you will coach individual clients, teams or groups.

Jonathon Regan (Transformation in Education Coach) NETHERLANDS
Océane Staib Evin (Executive Coach) IRELAND
Students Living in Europe

Self Funded Enrollments

Employer Funded Enrollments

Do I need to complete Level 1 before Level 2? +

A Level 1 program can pathway into a Level 2 program, but it is not a requirement because each program has been structured as a 'beginning to end' certification. One program, once price.  There's no hidden extras or hurdles, and no need to scaffold or jigsaw courses on courses. It's as simple and transparent as it looks.

* Students who join a Level 1 program exit with a level 1 Certification. They can apply for ACC via the ICF's direct Level 1 track.

* Students who join a Level 2 program exit with a level 2 Certification.  They can apply for ACC or PCC via the direct Level 2 track.

Why does tuition differ between schools? +

Coach Training Schools will differ in personality, culture, credibility, accreditation, curriculum, delivery and quality. This will often be reflected in the price of their programs.

When comparing program tuition between schools, it's important to consider 'sameness' and 'difference', and how each school aligns with your coaching goals, budget and expectations.

Some introductory questions

  1. How long has the school been accredited (newcomers or established)?
  2. What are the participation policies and options?
  3. What's included and what's not?
  4. Is there a visible community of graduates?
  5. Who is the faculty?
  6. Where do you go if you need help?
  7. Are there direct pathways to ICF ACC or PCC credentials?

Download the full list of 28 questions we recommend you ask all schools.   Click here to begin...

What's included in ICA's training? +

ICA programs are 'all inclusive', meaning that there are no hidden costs or learning hurdles. All learning materials, resources and certification expectations are provided up front (via a purpose built learnsite), with classes and labs held by zoom.

As with all ICF Level 1 and 2 programs, our curriculum includes the following:

  • Coaching Theory & Practicum
  • Mentor coaching (Group and One on One)
  • Observed Coaching
  • Final Performance Evaluation

In addition, all ICA programs include

  • 24/7 learnsite & community access
  • International schedules across all time zones
  • Peer Coaching (accrue hours for your ICF credential)
  • Coach Portfolio Development
  • Business Building
  • FlipIt and the ICA Coaching Power tools
  • Personalised Student Support
  • Ongoing access to ICA resources, conversations and the community, post graduation

Find the program best suited to your coaching goals and be connected with any tuition savings for your region.



ACC Accredited Level 1 Certification (60 hrs)

Best Program for

Adding a ‘Coach Approach’ into your workplace with the option to pursue an ACC Credential

Curriculum (60 hrs)

– Theory Classes
– Practicum Labs
– Mentoring
– Peer Coaching
– Lifetime Campus Membership


9 month membership period (or fast track and finish in 6 months).

Single Certification

Level 1 Certification
Workplace Coach


ACC Accredited Level 1 Certification (76 hrs)

Best Program for

Setting up a private coaching practice blending coaching with an existing profession.  Leads to an ACC credential

Curriculum (76 hrs)

– Theory Classes
– Practicum Labs
– FlipIt Framework
– Mentoring
– Coach Starter Pack
– Peer Coaching
– Credentialing Support
– Lifetime Campus Membership


12 month program (or fast track and finish in 6 months).

Dual Certification

Level 1 Certification
Vocational Coach
ICA Certification
FlipIt Facilitation


PCC Accredited Level 2 Certification (125 hrs)

Best Program for

Setting up a private coaching practice blending coaching with an existing profession.  Leads to an ACC or PCC credential

Curriculum (125 hrs)

– Theory Classes
– Frameworks & Theories
– FlipIt Framework
– Practicum Labs
– Mentoring
– Coach Starter Pack
– No Single Model
– Business Building
– Portfolio Development
– Peer Coaching
– Lifetime Campus Membership


18 month program (or fast track and finish in 9 months).

Dual Certification

Level 2 Certification
Certified Professional Coach
ICA Certification
FlipIt Facilitation


PCC Accredited Level 2 Certification (185 hrs)

Best Program for

Establishing your own private Coaching Business, targeting both individuals and groups with your own Signature Offer. Leads to an ACC or PCC Credential

Curriculum (185 hrs)

– Theory Classes
– Frameworks & Theories
– FlipIt Framework
– Practicum Labs
– Mentoring
– Coach Starter Pack
– No Single Model
– Business Building
– Coach Supervision
– Group and Team Coaching
– FlipIt Facilitation
– Portfolio Development
– Peer Coaching
– Lifetime Campus Membership


2 year program (or fast track and finish in 12 months).

Triple Certification

Level 2 Certification
Certified Professional Coach (Advanced)
ICA Certification
Certified Group Coach
ICA Certification
FlipIt Facilitator


of ICA Graduates felt ICA provided them with the skills needed to practice as a coach


of ICA Graduates chose to fast track their studies, completing in 8 - 12 months.


of ICA Graduates scheduled study around family & work, completing in 12 - 24 months.


of ICA Graduates were extremely satisfied with Faculty's experience and expertise

Students Living in Europe

Coach Certification is now considered essential.  Coaching Credentials are optional (but highly regarded). 

Our e learning is accredited with the peak body for coach training; the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The accreditation process ensures a school is aligned with ICF's International Standards and includes rigorous scrutiny and quality testing of the school's program structure, course material and delivery. Each coaching program's curriculum is mapped across the ICF core competencies, with faculty, assessment and learning processes all assessed.

You will graduate as a Certified Coach, with the option to pursue an ICF credential such as Associate Certified Coach (ACC) or Professional Certified Coach (PCC).


The Applications and Opportunities That Come With Coaching Certification

When we began training coaches in 2001, it was with a small cohort of 20 students.  Nearly all wanted to walk away from their existing careers to become 'Life Coaches'. This has very much changed with our coaching community now spanning 126 countries, with many choosing to pursue professional coach certification that considers or is integrated with their existing skills, profession or interests.

Coach Practitioners with their own coaching practice will coach clients within a chosen niche, as an executive coach within the workplace, or as a leadership coach within organisations. Their business might be F2F or online, and might be with individuals, teams or groups. However, the trend for Managers, Leaders, and Medical or HR professionals to blend coaching with their existing profession is an increasing trend in Europe.

The scope and financial rewards for successful coaches are unlimited. Our coaches graduate with the coaching tools and expertise to coach across any specialisation

Below are just a few of the niches chosen by our coaches

- Life Coaching
- Transformational Coaching
- Health and Wellness Coaching
- Spiritual Coaching
- Career Coaching
- Business Coaching
- Retirement Coaching

- Executive Coaching
- Relationship Coaching
- Sober Coaching
- Equestrian Coaching
- Expat Coaching
- Sales Coaching
- Real Estate Coaching

Take the Quiz to learn more about who you could be as a coach.

What Coaches Living or Working in the Europe say About ICA


Find the program and certification options best suited to your coaching goals, budget and timeframe for completion.