Coach Training Is An Investment Of Time and Money

This download covers the information you need to collect and consider before making a decision about which program or which school.

What Makes ICA Different?

A question we regularly get asked by prospective students is 'What makes ICA different from other schools?' This is a totally understandable question because coach training is an investment of both time and money and it's important your decision is one that will fit your budget, learning style and plans for coaching.

We also know that there's alot of information, (and very detailed information)  you need to wade through and consider before finding a solution. So, we've pulled out what we believe are the key points of difference between ICA and other schools or training.  We've also compiled a list of questions you should ask any coaching school before you enrol.

Which School Should you Choose?

Are you considering Coach Training but not sure where to start?  There's so many options with different schools, programs, certifications and pathways.  We asked our community what criteria they used when choosing their school and then packaged it up into a quick checklist that might be useful for you.  Let us know if you have any specific questions.