Briana Reinecke, Life Coach, United States
How did you find ICA?
I choose to study at ICA because I was looking for guidance and direction in my life and reached out to a friend I had meet at a development camp a few years back who I knew was a Life Coach. I wasn’t looking for advice on what school to attend for a certificate but wanted her help. The conversation quickly turned to me being so curious about the Life Coaching profession. She was a former graduate from ICA and had nothing but wonder memories from her time at the school. I called a few days later, which happened to be on my birthday, and spoke to a women about the program. We must have talked for over an hour as I became so excited to start learning! I remember hanging up the phone that night and going home to celebrate my birthday with great news and direction in my future. I could not have asked for better teachers and peers to share such a vulnerable space with while taking classes, mentor coaching and especially peer coaching.
I have grown tremendously as a person and coach over the last nine months. I would not trade my experience at ICA in for anything!
I highly recommend such an experience for someone in any career field, be it Life Coaching specifically or not. We all work with people and on the simplest terms, want to connect with others. To be able to do it around the world while gaining confidence as a coach and student is an experience I will always treasure.
What is your most memorable moment?
My most memorable moment of training with ICA would be the mentor coaching classes as a whole. Hearing other students insecurities and doubts, sometimes word for word, the same as mine, was refreshing. Hearing others speak what I was feeling allowed me to surrender to the apprehension I had as a coach. This in turn led me to the best advice that I received from a fellow student during peer coaching.
They stated that coaching isn’t about you, it is about the client. Which in turn may be the obvious observation. It is easily forgotten when you are in the moment and want to bring your best self as a coach to the space.
How will you be using your coaching skills to change the world?
I plan on using Life Coaching to help propel others forward to becoming the best version of themselves. By tapping into your innate emotions that are always present but mostly overlooked in our bodies and subconscious. We can easily miss what our minds, bodies and souls are aching for.
I use Life Coaching as a spiritual, transformative and career based approach because when you are shifting beliefs and releasing judgments that are formed from our egos, we can not help but transform each and every part of our lives from the inside out.