- What is your understanding of the potential benefits of executive coaching?
Again several benefits were cited, but were not ranked and they have been listed below.
- If offered executive coaching would you go through one? [Yes b) No c) May be ]
78% responded YES and would like to go through executive coaching, 15% replied maybe and just 7% responded in the negative. This is indeed a promising market indeed for executive coaches. J
Of this, 33 % of the responses had prior executive coaching experience. Interestingly, there is not a single HR professional who would not like to go through executive coaching as compared to 11% of others. 🙂 In contrast, just 11% C-level professionals would not like to go through executive coaching as compared to only 4% for other levels. 17% of C-level and 13% of others are not sure about it.
- What are the key areas you would use an executive coach for?
Several areas have been given which confirms the application of executive coaching and possible benefits to the clients from this practice.
- What are top 3 criteria’s for selecting an executive coach?
- How long should be the duration for executive coaching?
[Up to 3 months b) 3-6 months c) 6-12 months d) >12 months]
42% of the respondents prefer executive coaching duration to be less than 3 months, 32% respondents, prefer 6-12 months, while 18% 3-6 months, with 7% stating one year and longer. This data needs to be understood also with number of sessions per month.
Almost equal % of C-level and others prefer executive coaching duration to be of 3-6 months, 6-12 months, and more than 12 month. The only significant difference is for the duration of up to 3 months, which is 37% for C-level versus 46% for others.