God and coaches do a remarkable job of assisting people to create awareness in their lives. Creating awareness is a crucial step in order to achieve goals. Awareness is one of the first steps in coaching for clients when they are working on their goals. It is necessary for people to know and achieve their values and purpose in life to reach their fulfillment in life. God and coaches offer us huge amounts of support in discovering and sustaining our values and life purpose. As each individual achieves his or her life purpose it makes it more possible for humanity as a whole to achieve its greater overall purpose, which is spiritual evolution. Therefore, God and coaches are supporting humanity’s highest purpose in life i.e. self-realization.
God and coaches support clients in uncovering underlying beliefs. When clients become aware of their underlying beliefs they can decide whether the beliefs are supportive or not. Spiritually aware coaches can support clients to have beliefs that are in alignment with God, truth, love, trust, and peace.
Coaching helps people build their confidence. Having confidence is necessary for people to achieve their goals and fulfill their potentials in life. We’d be unable to evolve without confidence.
God and coaches also support people with the management of their lives. God’s creations are in a divine arrangement and order. It is wise for people to use their free will to manage themselves, so that they align themselves with divine order of their life’s purpose and their goals will be achieved in divine timing.
ICA coaches may work with Power Tools with a client. Power Tools enable clients to become aware of disempowering perspectives and shift into empowering perspectives in order to achieve optimum results. When working with Power Tools along with the combination of the coach’s and client’s awareness, the client will choose the action that’ll support the client’s goal instead of one that will hinder it. These powerful tools help clients to achieve their goals, success, happiness, and fulfillment in life.
Coaching focuses on being in the present and achieving goals, which support people to be at peace in the present while moving forward with grace. Coaching doesn’t focus on the past by dwelling on regrets. It may help clients to learn from the past and move on.
Coaching may help people from mentally staying stuck in the past or worrying about the future to being in the now while moving forward. Coaching helps build people’s trust to achieve their goals and decrease their worries about it. Coaching supports clients to have no regrets from the past, no worries for the future, and perfect peace in the present. This is a strong support for the evolution of people’s consciousness. God and coaches provide clarity, direction, support, challenges, accountability, acknowledgement, encouragement, resources, active listening, and powerful questions.
They assist people with creating action, structures and trust. All of these superb services support our growth and evolution for our individual consciousness and collective consciousness.
God and coaches meet the ICF competencies
The first ICF competency addresses ethics and standards. God is ethical and God’s standards are supreme. It is important for coaches to be ethical and have professional standards. God’s and coaches ethics and standards are in alignment with integrity and trustworthiness.
Co-creating the relationship is another competency. When humans want to have an ideal communion with God, their experience with God is safe, supportive, trusting and intimate. It is imperative that the coach creates a safe, supportive and trusting environment for the client. God, the coach and the client are all co-creating the coaching relationship. The coach and client are able to reach the highest level of communion when they are aware of this. When coaches and clients are aware of the divine communion between them, great trust for God, coaches, clients and the coaching process is achieved.
God is fully present and it is necessary for coaches to be fully present too. The mind of God is not only fully conscious but omnipresent as well. God is always fully present with people, individually and collectively. God has everyone’s attention 100% all of the time.
When coaches align their presence with the presence of God, they are honoring, supporting and blessing clients. One aim of divine coaches is to give 100% of their attention to their clients. Being fully conscious is a magnificent quality coaches exhibit.
Clients are receiving an enormous gift from the full presence of God and coaches that are aware of God’s presence. When clients are aware of this, then God, coaches and clients are all fully present together.
God and coaches are divine communicators that communicate effectively. When coaches have a certain level of realization of God they know that God is communicating through them, which enables them to be excellent communicators. Their skills of objective observation and being present let them truly listen to people. They ask powerful questions that retrieve information from the client’s intuition and inner knowing for the ultimate benefit of clients. When coaches and clients are aware of this sacred communication and communion during sessions, they are able to achieve the most effective divine communication.
God and coaches facilitate learning and results. They support people’s self awareness and coaching assists us with creating awareness that allows us to achieve results. God and coaches support us in our creations and achieving our goals. They manage our progress and accountability.
God is the supreme coach and coaching is sublimely divine. God and coaches support people’s fulfillment in their lives, honor their free will and support their evolution. God and coaches provide people with their divine coaching abilities and of course meet the ICF competencies too. When coaches and clients are aware of God and are truly communing with God and each other during sessions, they are able to achieve the most divine optimal results in coaching sessions. Then people will truly know that God, coaches, clients and the coaching process are divine.

i coach academy, International Coach Academy learnsite, Power Tools, http://www.icoachacademy.com
International Coach Federation, ICF Core Competencies, http://www.coachfederation.org/credential/landing.cfm?ItemNumber=2206&navltemNumber=576
Yogananda, Paramahansa, Self - Realization Fellowship, Excerpts from the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda http://www.yogananda-srf.org
Yogananda, Paramahansa, “Why God Created The World”, Self-Realization Fellowship Temple, San Diego, California, Dec. 16, 1945 http://www.meilach.com
Cabler, Jason, “Infinite Abundance For You”, Celebrating Financial Freedom, http://www.cfinancialfreedom.com/infinite-abundance-for-you/