To rest my case:
Self-Care arrogance narcissism egocentrism.
Other Relevant Concepts to Self-Care:
management of or by oneself; the taking of responsibility for one’s own behavior and well-being
the process by which a person’s character or abilities are gradually developed
the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy
regard for one’s own well-being and happiness
Top 10 Tips for Self-Management By Janet Hope, author of A Useful Guide to Self- Management.
- Check things out for there is more than one way to look at a situation and behavior.
- Develop the art of healthy reflection on your own behavior.
- Persevere – just because a strategy does not work immediately does not mean it’s the wrong strategy.
- Maintain a healthy inner dialogue.
- Smile more – the physical action has a calming, restorative effect.
- Define your values and live by them.
- See the past as a reference point and not a map determining your life journey.
- Listen to the people who matter in your life.
- Embrace the idea that you can change your behavior if you want to.
- Learn to accept the situations you can neither change nor influence no matter what you think, feel, say and do.
10 tips for your Self-Development Plan By Matt Morris, author of The Unemployed Millionaire.
1. Start Now:
Do something about your personal development plan today. Don’t become a pro at crastination– (procrastination)!
2. Baby Steps:
Break a large goal into its smallest components while keeping the end result in mind.
3. Learn From Other People:
You can gain from the success of other people and you can learn from their mistakes. Read books, get a coach, or a mentor.
4. Embrace Change:
The world is changing all the time. If people and ideas didn’t change, we would all still be living in caves.
5. Be Accountable:
You are responsible for what you are today and where you are today. If you don’t bother, no one else will. You own the result and no one else is to blame.
6. Be Grateful & Recognize Your Worth:
Focus on what you already have. Think about how others benefit from what you do. Your personal development is for others, as well as for you.
7. Be Intentional:
Find your true intention before you resolve to do something and make sure you really want what you say you want. If your goal and your intention are not aligned, then you’ll think up lots of excuses to prevent your progress.
8. Challenge Yourself:
Find that middle ground with a stretch goal in your personal self-development. Your goals need to be just out of reach. If you reach for an impossible target, you’re setting yourself up for a failure. If you stick to what’s easy, you’re denying yourself the satisfaction of achievement; and only minimal change will occur.
9. Follow Your Passion:
Choose actions that appeal to you and are in line with your values. Pick people to help you that you like being around. Become a Master in the Art of Living where people can’t tell if you’re working or playing because, to you, you’re always doing both!
10. Keep Going & NEVER Give Up:
Life works in cycles and moves to a rhythm. There is no such thing as continual rapid advancement. Your personal development plan needs to be achievable and balanced. There’s no such thing as finished personal self-development. You can go on learning, changing and renewing for all of your life.
The M.I.R.R.O.R in Self-Care:
In coaching, you usually mirror back to your clients their words and their thoughts. You hold the mirror for them to help them see their whole. You also hold it up to help them catch themselves being themselves in different situations. This usually helps the clients to observe who they are, to witness and learn what they do, to evaluate what is now versus what can be, and to develop a plan to how they can do things that better serve them. When you hold the mirror up for them, your intention is never to hurt them. You hold it because you are truly on their team and on their side… you are truly their advocate and partner.
What about you? Do you hold the mirror for yourself? (or do you just stand in front of it?)
Are you truly an advocate of “you”?
We have to confront ourselves. Do we like what we see in the mirror? And, according to our light, according to our understanding, according to our courage, we will have to say yea or nay – and rise! Maya Angelou
A mirror is a very strong tool. We tend to mainly use it for make-up and dress-up purposes. But if you choose to give it a chance to give you more, it will. Try standing in front of a mirror, mindfully standing… look at your reflection… embrace the moment, be in it, and whenever you are ready, start… have a dialogue and/or a monologue! No, you are not crazy. You are actually sensible. Depending on how much you take your thoughts away from the physicality of the act and depending on how much you really immerse yourself in it, you will experience something more than the usual standing-in-front-of-the-mirror.