An overview of MS`s coaching process
Analyzing this case, it is possible to conclude that the coaching was valuable to significant changes in MS`s career. In one year she had valuable achievements and victories and important practical changes. However, meanwhile, the view of the present photography revealed by the client is formed by objective data, but also by present dissatisfaction feelings, what may mean that the process did not have positive results.
According to the client`s own words, she achieved important changes and is aware that she is the only responsible for the continuity of the process and has kept faith on the importance of coaching as a support of her development.
In this last session she was very straightforward to set her goal to quit working as a dentist at the end of the year, assured that read again the book “Identidade de Carreira” and had a new insight about new actions. Besides, she left with a very positive energy to write the end of this story with a positive and astonishing reality.
Reflections to subsidize enhancing the coaching abilities
Next, some questions that may be analyzed in the case study, in processes of professional coaches development:
Note from the author
This case was written by Rosangela Rezende Pedrosa, as the final activity for the Certified Coaching Program in January, 2014, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
I am at your disposal for further questions and information.
I hereby authorize its use in development processes as long as the authorship is preserved. [1]

Bibliographic reference
Reinventando o Seu Próprio Sucesso - Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter
Descubra Seus Pontos Fortes (Strengh Finders)– Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton, PHd
Identidade de Carreira (Career’s Identity) – Hermínia Ibarra
Coaching Skills – Jenny Rogers
The Inner Game – W. Timothy Gallwey
The Co-Active Coaching – Changing Business Transformational Lives – Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl and Laura Whitworth.
[1] Rosangela Rezende Pedrosa – Janeiro 2014 – ICA – Certified Coaching Program