7. Third Session:
In the next week we had the third session. After the initial greeting and discussion about the wins he started with the status update on the last week action items he had agreed to do.
Raghav explained that he is not feeling the earlier way. He is very happy about this. But he has not started working on the tasks which need his attention. He still comes up with some more excuses for not doing what he was supposed to be doing.
We had some good discussion and below are the summary of key points of the discussion:
Problem area to work on:
Raghav focus of the problem that needs to be solved is on the personal conflict happened between Raghav and his wife. Based on the few more questions I realized that it is a good idea to make him think from his view, then his wife view and then from a neutral person view.
Solution agreed to work on:
I asked Raghav whether he comfortable to try the “perceptual positioning technique” so that he can get more clarity and views of others. He agreed to try that technique.
I have asked him to explain the incident from his view one more time. After that I have mentioned to him that now he will be acting like his wife and needs to speak and behave like her for my questions.
I have asked him to shift to a new position (sit in a new chair). I have asked him about his wife and started asked questions by explicitly telling her name so that he understands that he needs to answer like her. He finds it somewhat funny to start with but slowly he got the idea.
After that I have asked him to shift to another position (sit in another chair). I have asked him to think like housefly which is in the wall of the room in which he and his wife and having the earlier conversation and now share its view.
After that I have asked Ranbin to sit in the first position and asked him to summarize what he learnt. He could able to do that well and also he identified the following action items for himself:
8. Fourth Session:
In the next week we had the Fourth session. After the initial greeting and discussion about the wins he started with the status update on the last week action items he had agreed to do.
Raghav explained that he learnt the perceptual positioning technique which is really helpful for him. He is practicing that for some of the things he wanted to do. He is very happy because he learnt a new tool.
We had some good discussion and below are the summary of key points of the discussion:
Problem area to work on:
Raghav mood is very low when he talks about not doing the work as planned and he wanted to focus on this area.
Based on the few more questions I realized that it is a good idea to make him feel high and happier. By making him feel about this I thought he might stick to his action items.
Solution agreed to work on:
I asked Raghav whether he comfortable to try the “Visualization technique” so that he can get the feel of how nice it will be if he could able to do his work as planned.
I have asked him think of the one work which he keep pushing and not doing and he is worried about that a lot. He could able to select one. Now I asked him to visualize the situation that he completes that work and he feels about that.
I have used the steps which I learnt from my face to face class and also during the Skype class. Raghav is good in doing this and after visualizing the same for some time I have asked him to come back to reality.
Then I started asking him questions like:
Based on the discussion he could able to identify the following action items for himself:
Try to complete the action items which he committed earlier
9. Final Session:
In the next week we had the next session. After the initial greeting and discussion about the wins he started with the status update on the last week action items he had agreed to do after the visualization exercise.
Raghav explained that after the visualization exercise he could able to do the work without pushing them for a later time. But this he was doing it for only one day. After that he is not sticking to his action items.
Also he mentioned that he was asked to go for a 3 week trips to US for business reasons and because of that he was extremely busy to stick to his action items. Otherwise he would have tried to stick to his earlier commitment
So at this point of time the coaching sessions are stopped after 6 weeks of continuity.
10. Conclusion:
As a Coach I want to conclude my case study by reiterating the topic one more time here. This client is Un-Coachable for me at this point of time as I have tried all the techniques I know.
For me as a Coach it was the best rewarding and fruitful experience as each of my session was very successful and the client was very happy at the end of the session. As a coach I felt that is a great job I have done.
The client appreciated and learnt the essence of coaching but not willing to adapt for his better. He wanted to be of more talking and not willing to take any concrete action at this point as he is happy with the way he is.
The learning I had in this coaching journey can be summarized as “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”
10. Reference:
You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself.
Galileo Galilei
Please Note: Details of the client given are limited in order to protect my client’s identity and maintain confidentiality