1. Handling communication with senior management
As we spoke and went deep into the issues, the subject realized that he had good relationship with a few senior managers by virtue of his previous work relationship with them, however with others he was new and he had to build his reputation and worthiness by investing time with them. This realization came through as an outcome of the visualization process.
Action – As a first step the subject decided to create a stakeholder matrix which will clearly establish the relationship curve with each of the senior management so that he can clearly plan out how much time to spend and connect with senior managers depending upon the current level of relationship.
2. Communicating sensitive at times conflicting views expressed by Senior Management
By using powerful question and perceptual position which led the subject to look deep into the core issue, he realized that his personal values were in conflict at times with different views being expressed by senior management. This was getting hard on him as he was not able to rationalize. As we got deeper to the issues, his was able to reframe his perspectives and came to rationalize with the senior management agenda by thinking and feeling on their behalf.
Action – In future conversations he would give the senior management a complete hearing without being biased or judgmental, more importantly he had succeeded in rationalizing with the situation by putting himself in their shoe. He was able to see the bigger picture in which his senior management was operating from.
3, 4 & 5.
Being able to communicate objectively
Handling communications in informal and formal set ups
Communicate assertively & setting right expectations
These issues had a overlapping theme. There was a pattern in his current behavior which led to the subject not being able to communicate objectively and assertively. Powerful and challenging questions to get to the deep end of the issue and putting the subject in multiple scenarios of visualization for him to see and feel both sides was the fundamental approach that helped him discover. Through the process he had realized that his belief about his amiable style was overriding the need for him to be objective and therefore had never made an attempt. It was a mind block all way. This also impacted his ability to be effective in informal and formal set up and being able to communicate assertively.
Action- The subject spent some time studying various social styles to get a deeper understanding of the preference and behavioral influence an Amiable, Driver, Analytical and Expressive style has and therefore was able to align himself with the situation and the style accordingly. He had got a breakthrough in an informal communication set up, when we had consciously flexed his style and was able to enjoy and contribute every moment of the conversation in that set up.
He made attempts to convey objectively in a meeting set up with senior management. Although he felt uncomfortable to begin with he was received well when he concluded and therefore felt proud with a sense of achievement about what he had done.
By the end of 5 sessions, the subject has seen a significant change in himself. His transformation was visible and acknowledged by senior management and his colleagues. This gave the client greater confidence and he was on his way to enjoy the new role with a renewed belief in himself and his capabilities.
A Summary of the Approach based on ICF competencies, Model & Tools Used
The Coaching Model
GROW model was used during the process –
Goal – The Goal were clearly established for every session. The client was comfortable with expected outcomes that was outlined and was happy to commit to them. Every conversation had helped him evaluate the progress and achievement of his goal.
Reality – Powerful listening, compassion, respecting the subject’s point of view, being calm and using powerful and challenging questions helped the subject see challenges faced. He was able to clearly see the reality and where he was finding difficulty to move forward. This helped the subject draw clear actions that was needed to take to move forward.
Options – The subject identified various options to move from his current reality to achieve his goals. By using various coaching tools and following the ICF competencies, the subject was able to choose the best possible options to move closer to achieve his goals.
Will – Right from the chemistry session the subject was committed and therefore the approach to taking actions was effortless. Every realization led to a delighted solution and instant application to achieve his goals. He is so much more confidant and all set to accomplish his goals in his new role and relationship with senior management team.
The Coaching Approach
Setting the Foundation & Establishing the Agreement
- The process started with the chemistry meeting, trust, confidence and rapport was built between the Coach and the Client. This helped build instant partnership of the coaching journey.
- Confidentiality was explained and established that this would remain true for every session.
- The objective was clearly defined and the outcomes were outlined.
- The outcome that the client wanted to achieve was established at the beginning of every session.
Communicating Effectively
- I was able to help the subject explore himself through by being in the moment unconditionally, compassion and empathy, being patient and understanding to what was said and unsaid.
- Powerful listening enable the client to share the challenges faced, his values and beliefs that helped go deeper at his subconscious level to evaluate what worked well and what was causing concerns.
- Powerful questioning and paraphrasing and acknowledging where required, I was able to help the subject look at options, reframe perspectives and release judgment. The subject was able to explore new avenues.
Facilitating Learning and Results
- In the entire coaching process, I was able to create awareness within the client about his current reality and the steps he needs to take to bring about a positive change.
- Perceptual position and visualization, helped the subject see his personality that he would want to be with senior management and thereby committed to moving in that direction.
- Over the 2 months, we kept in regular touch to monitor progress and ensure completion of agreed task.
Insights for client
In the 5 sessions, the subject realized that he had let his mind block and personal style rule many of the situations he had put himself in.
Having identified that and with high commitment levels to change he was able to reframe many perspective about himself and approach things in a more confident manner.
Insights for coach
It was a wonderful experience to see how TRUST and PARTNESHIP is possible in the very first meeting with clients, if one clearly establishes ground rules based on ICF competencies and use the code of ethics as a fundamental principle in coaching. It surely feels like magic when someone unknown to you, now looks up to you to bring a positive change in their life.
The coaching tools are so powerful and can bring in such vibrant realizations to the client. It’s different every single time and to explore what it is capable of is a wonderful blessing. Using the tools outlined by ICA, I was able to co-create a new meaning to the client.
The client continues to be in touch and he sounds so much more confident that ever. Every conversation with him empowers me to continue exploring the power of coaching by mastering various tools.
Personally for me, I have become a much better listener and that was a fundamental gap in my past. The Coaching methodology, IOCF competencies, GROW model and putting the lines ahead of your own is a new life long journey for me and I am on my way to make them an integral part of my DNA.