Coaching: An Empowering Tool
The Benefits of Coaching
The benefits of being coached to become a leader in one’s professional life are many as illustrated by Steve Elliot who identified the following benefits after being coached :
The Coaching Process
In his book Distilling the Wisdom of CEOs (Bryant, 2011), after interviewing many CEOs and gathering insights on the art of managing and leading, Adam Bryant concluded that they all shared five (05) qualities: a passionate curiosity, a battle hardened confidence, team smarts, a simple mind-set and fearlessness. Bryant says that these qualities are developed through attitude, habit and discipline. He believes that these traits can be acquired and are within the control of potential leaders. Once these traits are incorporated in a person’s behavior, he indicates that she will become a better leader. The coaching process can help people develop these traits as illustrated by the case study presented in this paper. The main objective of coaches is to partner with their clients to help them move forward so they can achieve their objectives. The coaching process includes powerful questions, attentive listening, support, accountability and encouragement. In order to empower clients struggling to become leaders in their professional lives, coaches may use the steps below.