Characteristics of a Leader
A number of different characteristics such as ambition, vision, self-confidence, intelligence, motivational style, adaptation to change and communication skills are qualities found in leaders and will define what type of leader one will tend to be. The Academy of Management Executive has published analyses on leadership traits and has identified six (06) core characteristics that the majority of effective leaders possess as described below (Kirkpatrick and Locke, 1991):
- Drive: Leaders are ambitious and take initiative.
- Motivation: Leaders want to lead and are willing to take charge.
- Honesty and integrity: Leaders are truthful and do what they say they will do.
- Self-confidence: Leaders are assertive, decisive and enjoy taking risks. They admit their mistakes and foster trust and commitment to a vision. Leaders are emotionally stable rather than recklessly adventurous.
- Cognitive ability: Leaders are intelligent, perceptive, and conceptually skilled. They show analytical ability, good judgment, and the capacity to think strategically.
- Business knowledge: Leaders tend to be experts in their field. It is however important to note that a leader is only one as long as the group allows him to be.