We had given some input on how to change an aspect of the posture in an encouraging way, and Sinclair learnt and applied the skills with ease and a gentleness that his teacher had not seen before.
He was also very keen to be the group spokesperson, yet always agreed to let someone else have a turn.
Sinclair the ‘star ‘ at school and at home
Sinclair performed the most challenging postures to whole school at two achievement assemblies, where he was encouraged to explain how yoga had helped him to be calmer and more focused.
We discovered that his family eagerly awaited his return from school on yoga day when he would teach them new postures and play yoga games with his two brothers.
Sinclair, certificates and stickers
Sinclair worked hard to get the special certificates that were awarded to children who could show:
Good listening skills to teachers and children
How to help other children in-group work
Improved behavior
He also earned his fair share of stickers for good listening, learning to be still in calming postures and games and relaxation, as well as increasing concentration and being well mannered.
The combination of our behavioral approach and the yoga improved Sinclair’s self esteem and consequently improved his behavior because:
He experienced a great sense of success in the yoga
The calming and relaxation aspects of the lesson gave him experiences that helped him feel in control
He was perceived as an expert by his class and earned their respect
He tried hard to overcome his disruptive behaviors in order to win the special certificates and stickers that were an incentive for him to change.
Sinclair’s parents were able to celebrate his success at home and give lots of genuine praise.
The combined effect of rewards and praise from me, class teacher, peers and parents had a very powerful and positive effect on Sinclair’s self esteem
Case Study 2:
The coming case study might seem that it is not relevant to emphasis on how yoga can support coaching and vise versa.
However, I can see a great connection in this video between both yoga and coaching.
This video shows that one of the most important factors that is common between coaching and yoga is the DESIRE. If the client really wants to change nothing will stop him with the support of a coach.
In this video, I would say that the coach role would be two things, help the client to build a believe (believing in himself and his capabilities) and support him in staying on track, beating all negative underlying believes, then comes the yoga role to enhance this self awareness of what a person can do, teaching patience and persistence.
Yoga & coaching are two things that support a person to change, to transform, and to excel.
They are both helps a person to get in touch with his heart and deep soul.
Both works on balancing emotions, thoughts & increase focus.
Yoga and coaching are not supplementary or complementary, they are supporting functions to one another.
Case study 1: http://www.yogaatschool.org.uk/information/7/0/Improving_child_behaviour.htm
Ashtanga Yoga Practice for David Swenson