A Research Paper By Alana Moor, Mindset Coach, CANADA
How Can Manifestation Be a Powerful Tool for Realizing Our Dream Life?
In recent years, manifestation has been popularized and mainstreamed as a key way to create the life you want. Of course, everyone would love to believe that by using manifestation in your life everything will come true with minimal effort. It seems to be a controversial topic and not without reason. It is believed that if you think it, it will become your reality, but what if you don’t truly believe it? It’s like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. Creating the life, you want is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a journey that takes dedication, focus, and hard work to achieve. Along the way though we have been given some incredible methods that can help the process when paired with faith, clarity, and action.
This paper will look at how manifestation can become a powerful method of creating our dream life.
What Is Manifestation?
Manifesting is making everything you want to feel and experience a reality… via your thoughts, actions, beliefs, and emotions. Angelina Lombardo
The law of attraction is a metaphysical force akin to the force of gravity. Just as a gravitational pull exists between the sun and planets to hold them in continuous orbit, the law of attraction exists between a person’s beliefs and behaviors. If you believe you are capable of achieving your dreams, you’re inspired to pursue those dreams. But if you believe you’re incapable, there will be no impetus to inspire you to action.4
The goal of manifestation is to begin to shift your mindset and perspective and attract what you want to achieve. Many leaders of our day believe wholeheartedly in the power of manifestation. They have mastered the ability to patiently bring every dream they have ever had to fruition. Manifestation is a lifestyle change. It is not something that happens once. Once you begin to understand the fundamentals of how manifestation works, you will want to incorporate it into every element of your life.
How Manifestation Works
Manifestation does not happen because you had one general thought about something you might want but you don’t believe you are capable of achieving it. It’s a process that connects the subconscious with a goal. It is when your thoughts and your energy create your reality. It’s full faith of believing it can be yours even though you can’t see it.
It happens when you have clarity around a specific vision. Sometimes we have a broad idea that is not realistic. Maybe it requires skills that we do not have any desire in learning or maybe we are past the mark of realistically being able to achieve it. This is where we need to write down a plan that feels inspiring, and makes sense according to certain factors. The vision may start one way and begin to expand and change with more observation. This begins to create that clarity around what we want. The law of attraction/manifestation works its “magic” around clarity.
The brain must go through a process called mental simulation. This process makes events seem real. You begin to feel a specific outcome as if it was real. When you begin to imagine what it will be like to have, do, or be this goal, your brain’s emotional center (the limbic system) is engaged.
That thought about a goal that your body can now feel as real is now at the forefront of your mind. Once activated, your subconscious mind puts that desire on autopilot, continually checking in to see how close or far off you are from achieving that goal. (Have we been to Tulum yet? What about now? Have we visited Tulum yet?) 1.
As the same thoughts continue to resurface our conscious is constantly reminded of the vision thus beginning to complete small steps towards accomplishing the ultimate goal. makes micro-adjustments to your choices, behavior, and habits, guiding you closer to the goal you visualized. 1.
Often we don’t give ourselves enough credit for the powerful beings we are. When we take the time and initiative to tap into our abilities to attract what we want, magic truly happens in our lives. If it wasn’t true then no one would be talking about it. Yes, it does take work and we do need to shift our perspective and shift our mindset to believe and feel the outcome of our goal as if it was already ours. This also does not happen overnight. The only difference between people who have manifested their dreams into reality and people who haven’t is that one moved on and one did not stop until the dream was achieved. With a positive mindset and unbreakable faith everything about the achievement of possibilities changes for us.
Incorporating Manifestation Into Coaching
Coaching and manifestation are fundamentally similar for two reasons. One, they are both focused on moving forward and two, they both thrive from a positive perspective mindset. Coaching is based on helping the person and not the problem while manifesting needs to be followed through by the person, nothing moved forward without the action of the person.
When a client enters the coaching world, it is because they are looking to shift the trajectory of their life. Of course, it is imperative to go deep and help them understand the underlying beliefs and behaviors that have led to certain outcomes. This begins to push the client forward allowing them to get more clarity on which goals they would like to achieve. This clarity is one of the most important aspects of manifestation. We have monkey brains that don’t easily allow us to focus on one thing. When we pull that clear vision out from the chaos, we can map out the small steps to getting to the desired outcome. Even when the mind tries to jumble up the steps, we have a clear outcome to come back to. This step begins to reprogram the brain.
Once the client gains clarity on where they want to go, the coach can help the client move towards a positive mindset and help them discover how it will feel to accomplish that goal. The client will then choose an action step by meditating, visualizing, writing, or whatever serves them perfectly. This action requires patience and consistency. Sometimes what we have planned is different from that of the universe. The client must come back to the why of their vision to keep pushing forward through obstacles. The more they can look at these obstacles as simply the universe asking “How bad do you want it?” The easier it will be to push through, stay positive and continue taking action.
How Manifestation Worked In My Life
I began to ask myself, “How many times have you seen someone fail when they have persistency, consistency, and a positive perspective?” When a failure is no longer an option, succeeding becomes the only goal.
In 2015 I was incarcerated abroad. recently graduated from fashion business school having just started my clothing line. My life changed in an instant and everything that I knew and had worked so hard for was gone and would never be the same again.
I had a decision to make, be constructive or destructive, either one will still bring me to the end of this nightmare eventually. I chose the former. I immersed myself in books and spent hours writing and visualizing my future. Every single day I pep talked myself. Positivity was not easily accessible in such a negative environment, but my consistency turned that way of thinking into a habit. I knew what I wanted and when the time came to fight for my freedom, I prayed, visualized, and acted all according to exactly how I saw this unfolding. There were many outcomes. It wasn’t just about freedom; it was about where I would spend the remainder of my sentence. I couldn’t leave the country and I was adamant that I end up in a scenario where I could learn, grow and prepare for my future. There was no attachment to the outcome but I knew exactly how it would feel when I got there. Giving up was not an option. I cried, felt angry, and wanted to give up many times for over a year. That being said, I never lost sight of where I wanted to end up and how it would feel. I knew it would happen and my decisions continue to be sculpted by that unwavering faith. No, it did not happen overnight or in the way, I had fantasized and many times it looked as if it wouldn’t go my way. But then it did. The day came and I was released on a work permit with an extremely successful businesswoman from the US who moved to this country to start her own business and have a more spiritually focused life. How that came to me I will never understand, but it did and I will always give credit to the power of manifestation alongside a clear vision for the outcome I desired. There’s magic in the persistent pursuit of our dreams.
Key Takeaways
Many skeptics continue to be convinced that manifestation is just a hocus pocus with a non-tangible selling point that has turned itself into a multi-million-dollar industry backed by some of the most powerful spiritual and philanthropical leaders of our generation.
Tony Robbins believes the following
Brain imaging has also shown that the areas of the brain involved in intention and action are very closely connected. Tony says that, “When you focus on something continuously, something magical happens” – and that magical something is your intention to activate your brain to achieve that thing. There is strong evidence that the scientific answer to, “What is the law of attraction, and does it work?” is a definitive “yes!”
There are focused steps and new habits that need to be formed to manifest the life we want. We have evolved into a society of overnight success which often leads us to shy away from anything that requires patience and towards the “quick-fix.” Here’s the thing about a quick fix, it is met with a rocky foundation and usually never lasts. So why not take the time, be patient and work slowly but efficiently towards creating change in our life? Change that will last.
I noticed that many skeptical people are not living their dreams and white-knuckle it through life with a negative attitude. That’s ok, everyone gets the life they want. They have created life through their thoughts and actions. They have put the power of manifestation to work without even realizing it.
Buddha taught that
What you think you will become.
Manifestation comes from you, nothing else. We decide the trajectory of our life through our perspectives and choices. Manifestation does not mean that life doesn’t happen, it is simply a format in which we can choose to live, or not. It’s worth it to live a fulfilling life. There’s empowerment in knowing that we have more power than we even realize in making our dreams a reality, it makes you want to know more and take action. If you think and believe it will happen, it will.