Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.
Robert Collier
Using Hypnosis allows a practitioner to make quick changes to a client’s behavior. So, for example in Coaching, if you have having trouble motivating a client then hypnosis can help you to give them a taste of progress. Even if sometimes people relapse if they have given up a habit for example, the initial sudden change can sometimes really help in proving to the client that change is possible.
How do we effect the Subconscious?
In my experience practicing Hypnosis I have been amazed at the dramatic change in my clients with such conditions as smoking addiction, physical injuries, weight loss, self esteem etc. I have heard many stories elsewhere from my lecturers and peers also, but I’d like to bring your attention to some examples of how people can change not from Hypnosis, but by effecting the subconscious mind by inspiration and positive belief.
In 1981 a man named Morris Goodman, had a nasty was involved in a plane crash. He destroyed his body in the crash and Doctors told him that he was going to be a vegetable for the rest of his life. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t eat or drink, his diaphragm was completely destroyed, but Morris had a goal to walk out of the hospital 9 months later and after continuously focusing on that image in his head for 9 months he was able to reach his goal. To this day he is known as the `Miracle man` and he gives lectures around the world talking about his amazing recovery.
Man becomes what he thinks about
Morris Goodman The Secret
This is a great example of how we affect our subconscious mind on a daily basis. The subconscious mind cannot think, that is true, but it is through the use of our conscious mind that we truly change our behavior. Continual positive reinforcement, backed up by evidence of progress in our lives is the best way to actually progress forward in our lives.
Joesph Murphy a man who published one of the first well known books about the subconscious understood completely the power that is possible within a person when you consider the subconscious mind and personal change. He changed his own life and spent the rest of his life trying to tell others how he used his subconscious in the form of prayer to alter his life.
Over ninety percent of your mental life is subconscious. If you fail to make use of this marvelous power, you condemn yourself to live within very narrow limits.
The power of your subconscious mind Dr Joesph Murphy.
Dr John Demartini, is an American researcher who was pronounced at the age of 7 as being learning disabled and over the next 10 years he continued to live out this proclamation. However, after being inspired by a thought provoking speaker at 17 he decided that he wanted to change his life and did so, becoming an international speaker and Dr of Chiropractics.
It is important to remember that Hypnosis is going on all the time. We can be hypnotised by our authoritative figures in the way that we reallyhold value to what their opinions are, so we tend to believe what they say. However, he changed his disability by continually rejecting the ideas he had grown up with, thereby changing his subconscious belief patterns bit by bit.
Plant the seeds of relationship first. Then harvest the Fruits of results later. As you sow, so shall ye reap
Dr John Demartini
Lastly, Echart Tolle is now a worldwide speaker, speaking about on the basic human truths that he has discovered in his awareness. Eckhart, who at the age of 29 had a spiritual awakening when he realised that his mind was in effect divided, came to the conclusion that all pain and suffering results from this argument within. It was from this moment on that he began to enjoy an amazing peace in his life, not with any new goals, but with a mind that is simply not divided any longer.
He now travels the world, explaining to other people how they can live their lives in peace.
The essence of what Eckhart is saying is that the Subconscious mind was at odds with his conscious mind and when we have situations when we are divided we feel uneasy and not at peace.
He was fortunate enough in his life to experience this cataclysm of his mind all at once where he became aware and suffering ended, unfortunately the rest of us need to train ourselves and wake up from the internal conflicts of our minds to experience this peace in ourselves.
He advocates quite intensely the power of meditation and being in the moment, which of course is another way of accessing and calming the subconscious mind.
The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.
Eckhart Tolle
In conclusion, it is clear that the subconscious mind has a great impact on our lives. However, the means to change our minds is primarily initiated by the intention of the person wanting to change.
We can be hypnotised by our authoritative members in public or peers, to believe certain limiting thoughts about ourselves, or we can take our inspiration to make powerful changes in our lives.
The use of Hypnosis is beneficial to those who feel the struggle is too intense to change, but it is not the only modality that assists people to change.
I believe that by using my knowledge of the subconscious mind in conjunction with Life Coaching I can have a greater impact on achieving lasting change with my clients as it assists with the initial struggle of change when people feel stuck and conflicted in their lives.

Performance by gender in a stop-smoking program combining hypnosis and aversion. Johnson DL, Karkut RT. Adkar Associates, Inc., Bloomington, Indiana. Psychol Rep. 1994 Oct;75(2):851-7.
PMID: 7862796 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
States of Consciousness: Models for Psychology and Psychotherapy
By Andrzej Kokoszka p71 sigmund freud
Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose