Research Paper By Kris Welsh
(Life Coaching, AUSTRALIA)
Going through the process of becoming a Life Coach, an important question keeps arising in my mind. How does one implement significant changes in ones’ life, easily and permanently? Often I have become inspired by new ways of thinking and believed every time that this new idea was the answer I was looking for to change my life. However, sadly every time it wasn’t. I made changes, but often there were only slight differences to my life. On other occasions the changes were large, but after some time I felt the passion for this new idea diminish, and I was back where I started. This idea continues to interest and perplex me.
This is why I began to study Hypnosis, because it deals directly with the subconscious and is a great tool that can be used in conjunction with Coaching.
Therefore the topic of this report will be about the Subconscious mind and in particular within the framework of Hypnosis. The subconscious mind has long been known as a powerful ally to our ambitions. The concept of the Subconscious and its apparent effect on human behaviour is nothing new. When you go to see a Psychotherapist or Hypnotherapist in the hope of giving up smoking or losing weight, explaining your frustration because of your lack of ability to make a simple change in your life, they will undoubtedly mention something about how your behaviour relates to the Subconscious.
87% Reported Abstinence From Tobacco Use With Hypnosis
A field study of 93 male and 93 female CMHC outpatients examined the facilitation of smoking cessation by using hypnosis. At 3-month follow-up, 86% of the men and 87% of the women reported continued abstinence from the use of tobacco using hypnosis.
However, the subconscious is merely a concept, not a physical thing that can be easily measured. So, even to this day, it is not fully understood why people’s behaviour is so difficult to change. It seems certain that human behaviour is based on many factors, genetics, upbringing, and circumstances, but it is seemingly undeniable that the subconscious programming of our mind plays a big part in our way of behaving. So, whichever modality of personal change you embark on, it seems almost certain that you will at some point have to consider a form of mental training, unblocking or reinitialising.
This research report will go into some details about the pioneers of Hypnosis and look at some people who have used their mind power to affect their subconscious. This essay will argue that the effect of the subconscious in human behaviour is immense and that specifically in the area of coaching it is a vital tool to be used and understood if clients are to make real change in their lives.
Subconscious used in Conjunction with Coaching