Research Paper By Jill St. Vincent
(Weight Loss & Relationship Coach, UNITED STATES)
Most people are familiar with the traditional model of coaching – which focuses on goal setting, developing and implementing new habits / skills, accountability and achieving results. The traditional model is mostly about “Doing”. Transformational coaching is different – the main focus is on the “Being” of the client. Transformational coaching usually focuses on the Being and challenging beliefs that gets in the way. It also can include clearing thoughts and feelings that are not serving the client or hurting the client.
Once the client is free from thoughts or limiting beliefs that are sabotaging or holding back a client – the journey produces freedom. Transformation coaching focuses on an individual’s worth and potential. It is not looking in the past. The movement is forward and connecting with one’s truth, purpose and eventually adopting a higher purpose that serves mankind.
The goal for some clients is to reach one’s spirit, essence or peace of mind to provide opportunities to serve his/her purpose.
This is deep work and spiritual work. Transformational coaching can be challenging and difficult at times. What makes transformational coaching challenging and difficult for many is the feeling side of coaching. Most people feel uncomfortable with getting in touch with a high level of feelings or emoting feelings in the presence of a group.
The following is from Marilyn Atkinson:
Transformational conversations are the means by which you help yourself and others become fully aliened and purposeful humans. The game is to have more, be more, and do more, by responding fully to life’s wonderful opportunities and promises.
Transformational conversations are the means through which we begin to play a larger game and really live our inner truth while supporting others to do the same. Developing these key conversations requires that we begin to observe our own patterns, especially those habitual structures of mind that are consciously or unconsciously in our way of our living our highest truth.
Seek, above all, for a game worth playing. Such is the advice of the oracle to modern man. Having found the game, play it with intensity – play as if your life and sanity depended on it.
De Ropp believes the games that men play is an indicator of their inner development. According to Thomas Szasz – the life games we play fall into two categories: object games and meta-games. Object games are played primarily to earn money and to buy material possessions.
Meta-games are played for intangible development such as knowledge, truth and spirit. In earlier cultures, the meta-games were often played; as compared to the present, object games dominate our society.
It still remains the most demanding and difficult games and in our society, there are few who play.
The game can only be played by people whose observations of themselves and others have led them to a certain conclusion, namely, that man’s ordinary state of consciousness, his so called waking state, is not the highest level of consciousness that he is capable. The mastery game is played entirely in the inner world, a vast and complex territory about which men know very little. Here it is sufficient to say that the mastery game can never be made easy to play. It demands all that a man has, all his feelings, all his thoughts, all his resources – physical and spiritual.
Jim Zarvos, a trainer and coach, believes transformational coaching is achieving shifts in perspectives, shifts about oneself, shifts in thinking differently – which cleans the slate in a client’s mind of distraction and obsolete belief systems. Zarvos describes transformational coaching as mastering 4 critical components: commitment, responsibility, contribution and authenticity. Zarvos states that when we live and come from a place of commitment – we are holding ourselves in our highest realm and holding this intention helps ourselves reach our full potential.
By being responsible, we stand in our power; stand for our intention and purpose. By being responsible, we are repeating that behavior over and over again to the point of mastery – to the point of unconscious competence. Zarvos points out that living as an authentic human being is standing in one’s truth; honoring one self. When we are authentic – all unnecessary barriers are removed, relationships work and a relationship with the self, works. Everything is easier – which creates freedom and energy for the client to fulfill his/her purpose.
Zarvos considers contribution as the most important components, actions or ways of being. Once the client reaches the action of contribution; the client has increased his/her vibration and thereby impacting the community, country or the world.
The client is operating at a higher level and making a difference for mankind. This is outward focus and at this stage or way of being –it is the most rewarding of all components.
Zarvos states one of the most rewarding aspects of life is to be of service to others. Transformation is being outward focus towards others. According to Zarvos, transformation is living our purpose, living our passion and making a difference for others. Transformation is leaving a legacy (that made a difference for society, animals or the environment), where others can continue the legacy.
Landmark Forum; believes transformation is a way of living every day, moment to moment. The following material is from Landmark Forum’s web site.
In The Landmark Forum, the notion of possibility moves from an abstract ideal to a day-to-day living reality. Life becomes framed in a new way. The way we approach the world, and the way the world approaches us, changes. The Landmark Forum leaves you with an ability to relate to life with new freedom and power. The abilities you learn never leave you, and are yours forever. The Landmark Forum is not a one-time event. It is a moment-by-moment approach to being alive.
Another training corporation that offers intense, transformational programs is the Millennium 3 Education Corporation, located in Dallas, Texas. Millennium 3 Education or (Millennium 3) offers various programs or levels where the client can achieve living transformation every day. Millennium 3 Education describes one of their courses as such:
the advanced course is an action-oriented, experiential education program, designed to be an environment in which one can deal with life issues in a personal and frank way.
The advanced course offered by Millennium 3 states in a brochure,
You will be encouraged to participate fully which may be challenging, stressful, and/or generally uncomfortable for some participants.
The Millennium 3 Education courses are the most difficult of all listed. There is extensive paper work to be completed by the student (client) to be accepted into a course. If there is a recent history of mental illness, inpatient hospitalization, suicide, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia and certain mental health medications – the client would be denied access to the courses. If the client is in advanced pregnancy – the client would also be denied access to the course.
Lastly, Millennium 3 Education, states
for those willing to take on the work, there lays tremendous value in the challenges and opportunities available through participating in The Advanced course.
A survey was provided to clients that I have worked with in the past that were / are morbidly obese. The survey was given to 21 clients.
The following questions were asked:
- What factors hindered their weight loss?
- If they could work on anything to help them be successful – what would it be?