Reduce Stress
Recognize the area which is bringing stress and try reducing that by using some stress busting techniques. High levels of stress can overwhelm the mind and body, getting in the way of ability to think and hear what someone else is saying, be aware of the feelings and needs, and get your client to communicate clearly about it. Being able to quickly calm down and diffuse stress helps stay balanced, focused, and in control–no matter what challenges are faced or how stressful a situation becomes.
You can refer to some of the Stress busting techniques .
Stressed out individuals are generally not so flexible in exploring the thoughts and hence it is recommended to check if the individual would like to continue the session or would like to relax before proceeding. It is advisable to provide the required space to the client for them to feel comfortable in moving forward with the coaching process
Emotional Awareness
Being able to connect to emotions—having a moment-to-moment awareness of emotions and how they influence thoughts and actions—is the key to understanding our self and others.
Many people are disconnected from their emotions–especially strong core emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and joy. This may be the result of negative childhood experiences that taught them to shut off their feelings. But although we can distort, deny, or numb our feelings, we can’t eliminate them. They’re still there, whether we’re aware of them or not. Unfortunately, without emotional awareness, we are unable to fully understand motivations and needs, or to communicate effectively with others.
Some of the observations that can help you learn about your client’s emotional state are:
If any of these experiences are unfamiliar, emotions may be turned down or turned off. In order to be emotionally healthy and emotionally intelligent, one must reconnect to core emotions, accept them, and become comfortable with them. Once they are aware of their emotions, the coaching process can becomes cohesive.
Non-Verbal Communication Successful nonverbal communication depends on your ability to manage stress, recognize emotions, and understand the signals sent and received. When communicating:
Humor, laughter, and play are natural antidotes to life’s difficulties. They lighten your burdens and help you keep things in perspective. A good hearty laugh reduces stress, elevates mood, and b