4. Applying Tarot cards to your coaching:
a) Getting powerful questions more naturally:
Now that you started to get familiar with the Tarot cards, I will show you how you could apply this knowledge to your coaching. Indeed it will help you get powerful questions more naturally.
The Tarot increases your intuition and awareness about the human being complexity. By getting more and more familiar with the tarot cards I realize that I listen better to my client, am more in the present and more efficient in finding the right tools to help my coachee. The more you study the Tarot cards the more you will get from them. As it will be part of you, the right question will come to you intuitively/automatically.
During a session you will then able to think intuitively to a card or more, depending on what your coachee is dealing with, to give you the inspiration on what aspect to explore with your coachee to support him.
I will now show you how each card is related to coaching powerful questions. This is of course a non-exhaustive list as the possibilities are endless.
We learnt earlier that each card includes strengths and weaknesses. Therefore now that we will use them in coaching we have to always keep in mind that our powerful questions need to always be positive and non-judgmental. Never believe that you know more than your coachee. Tarot cards are just a support to help you mirror back and ask powerful questions to your client in order to empower him. It is an additional tool that you need to learn to use only and strictly in a positive way for your coachee.
As it is complex to remember all the possible key words and powerful questions, I at least highlighted, on the following pages, the main one for each card.