Energy in and of itself is neutral, just like the message contained within many of the books that were written on the subject. These authors invite us use this universal energy for positive life affirming actions or not. The energy of the universe will respond with whatever matches your thoughts and perspectives. For example, scientific research has shown that projecting positive energy of loving thoughts can make plants thrive more vigorously than usual. The choice is not whether we use energy but how we use it. Its use and outcome will be dependent on our perceptions.
We can become better coaches if we use universal energy for our positive life affirming actions. In doing so we bring the best of who we are to each coaching session and I truly believe that positive energy can be transferred to our clients. Try it and I believe you will like the outcome.
Can you imagine if we sent positive loving thoughts to all the people around us every day, what would happen? I invite the reader to try it for 30 days and note what shows up? What impact did it make in your life and to the people around you?
Energy is in constant movement. If you look at a book, it looks solid, right? However science tells us its 99.999 percent space. It is just that the molecules are arranged in such a way that it looks solid and impenetrable. The same goes for your physical body, while it appears to be solid, it is not.
Dr Dain Heer asks: What if the limitations in your life and in your body, every single one of them, were exactly the same way? What if they looked really solid, because that’s the only way you’ve been able to see them until now? I know it sounds strange . . . and yet, this author invites us to be open to the awareness and possibility that those things are not necessarily solid, never were solid and do not need to be solid ever again.
What if we are all connected to the same one universal intelligence? This would mean that we could connect to all things and all people in the universe. What if you asked this higher intelligence for answers? I.E. Try asking the chair you sitting in to make you more comfortable? What happens? For most people they move around and get more comfortable. It is as if the chair told them how to move to make this happen. Try this exercise with your client. Ask them to try connecting to their own universal intelligence and see if other answers appear.
We have all had experiences of thinking about someone and then out of the blue, they call you or email you. Recently I was thinking about something that I had sent to an associate several months ago. It had been quite some time since we had spoken and I remember saying that I must sent her a reminder. BANG out of the blue, 10 minutes later, I got an email answering the questions. Some would say that it is just coincidence but I believe I was picking up on universal intelligence. Now maybe you could say that the person who needed to follow up with me was the one who picked up on my thoughts. Either way, I believe we all have the ability to pick up on universal energy. If you make a mental note of when it happens, you will realize that it happens way more often than you think.