What If?
Dr Dane Heer who wrote “Being You, Changing the World” invites us to ask, what if every limitation we ever though we had is simply a GREATNESS that we have not yet recognized.
What if we looked each of our clients believed limitations as an opportunity to help them reframe that limitation as a greatness. Doing this would help us become great coaches for our clients. But we must be willing to look at our own perceived limitations as well and be able to reframe them.
If you were being you—who would you be? What if you, truly Being you, is all it takes to change EVERYTHING —your life, everyone around you and the world? What if you, being you, were the missing key to having everything you’ve ever desired or wanted to create and change in the world? What if you being you meant receiving everything, being everything, knowing everything and perceiving EVERYTHING?1
“Would you be willing to let go of the illusion that you are average, normal and real and just like everyone else? Would you instead be willing to accept that you are wonderful and AMAZING?” 2
What Dr. Heer ask us to consider here is that perhaps we are not what we THINK we are but instead to consider that we have all the answers within us and that we can one though and one action at a time make a difference in our world. What if we did not blame anyone or anything for the results in our lives but instead asked ourselves “What can I do to change it?” What else is possible? How does it getter better than this? What if we keep asking those questions of ourselves and our clients, what could be the awareness and the outcome?
As a coach we can use these same questions that Dr. Heer asks in order to not only help our clients look within but we can look at these questions and ask them of ourselves. In doing so we can learn to live our truth and that cannot help but make us better coaches.
Dr Dain also asks us to consider what if all the stuff we believe, the good, the bad and the ugly was just that, beliefs? What if we own them, take responsibility for them and make a decision to keep what works and let go what does not work. The thing is, even our feeling and emotions are not the real us. At the core we are all perfect beings and the other stuff is just stuff. We can accept it without judgement and then say, now what? I can accept responsibility and I can decide to change or let go any part of it if I want to.