C – Clarify and Establish Your Coaching “Net Worth”
I believe that my coaching “net worth” in this type of practice is invaluable. I want people to accomplish what they want to accomplish. This style of coaching is centered on the term accomplishment. Contact with a client for any duration of time can be valuable. People crave support and change, without expending a significant amount of time or money. Ultimately, the laser approach to coaching will draw more people to hire coaches. Realistically time is an illusion, which lends to my belief that a powerful message, plan of action, or self understanding can be achieved in even 5-minute power session. Laser coaching will enable everyone to afford a coach, and it will diffuse the notion that only the rich and famous, or an athlete, can afford a coach. Young people or young adults may be able to pay $30-$45 for a half hour coaching session. Even clients with heady bank accounts will benefit from the time and cost savings.
H – Honor Your Personal and Professional Values
Every person has goals they want to accomplish and actions and events they want to launch into positive motion. Many clients like myself have an abundance of energy and a variety of different places to deposit their energy. These people are my ideal clients. I am very adept at recognizing my personal and professional limitations, along with my strengths and key features. My unique characteristics render the notion of coaching five clients a day for an hour a virtual undesirable business plan. I am a rapid fire person and coach. I crave variety. Being idle is not a desirable situation for me, but I will provide my clients 100 % presence and focus. Without the laser coach approach, actually being a practicing coach would be a professional challenge. Laser coaching allows me to share my unique coaching strengths with those who need it. My focus is laser sharp in a 15-30 minute session, yet at 60-minute I run the risk of not providing my clients the ultimate coaching experience. The most important quality and operating statement for my coaching practice is to provide clients quality sessions vs quantity sessions.
Following is the coaching manifesto break down for my laser coaching practice. I plan to attract clients interested in sales and business coaching, health and wellness, and spirituality. By not limiting my practice and my varied skill set to one particular niche, I possess the ability to reach, help and attract many clients.
My coaching practice goal is to support as many people as possible in as short of a period of time as possible; freeing up the most valuable resource of time. People can spend more time actually working towards their goals instead of talking about them.
Madonna and Justin Timberlake so eloquently sang the following words:
We’ve only got 4 minutes to save the world