What is it?
Mindfulness is about observation without criticism; being compassionate with yourself. When unhappiness or stress hovers overhead, rather than taking it all personally, you learn to treat them as if they were black clouds in the sky, and observe them with friendly curiosity as they drift past. In essence, mindfulness allows you to catch negative patterns before they tip you into a downward spiral. It begins the process of putting you back in control of your life.
(Williams & Penman, 2011)
Some mythic ideas about mindfulness practice:
Some benefits of mindfulness meditation (as a regular practice):
Human beings have two dimensions – doing and being. When thinking about achieving goals the doing mode works by narrowing the gap between point A (where we are) and point B (where we want to go). Coaching is a very powerful, yet effective way of solving problems and getting things done.
However, to have greater clarity and a deep compassionate awareness that permits us to gauge our goals and realize our deepest values, we need to be open-hearted to the world directly. Here is where the being mode comes. It is a place from which we can notice our thoughts and feelings.
There is a complex process between what the body feels and our thoughts and emotions. This is why the way we see our lives can be shifted by tiny changes in the body (something as subtle smiling, changing posture, sleeping or exercising may have a dramatic impact on mood and the kind of thoughts that cross the mind).
By choosing where we allocate our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy, we can radically modify our entire viewpoint on life and how we relate the world. Viewing our life from a different place (starting from who we are, what is our vision, values, life purpose and knowing ourselves from inside-out,) transmutes our feelings and allows us to live authentically and aligned with who we really are.
This new angle gives us a new experience of the world so we can handle life’s challenges very differently. We no longer rest on external circumstances for our health, happiness or sense of fulfillment. We are basically back in control of our life from inside-out.
Mindfulness meditation is the way to access our being mode. It consents us to become fully aware of our life, so we can create intentional choices and by that we can not only reduce the levels of stress and anxiety but also gain a more relaxed, energized, healthy, productive, fulfilling and happy personal and work life.

Goleman, D. & Kabat-Zin J.(2007). Mindfulness@Work: leading with emotional intelligence. Conversation with Jon kabat-Zinn (audiobook)
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2006). Mindfulness for beginners, reclaiming the present moment and your life (audiobook)
Kabat-Zinn, J. (2007). Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Widsom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness (audiobook)
Krusche, A., Cyhlarova E., King, S. et al. (2012). Mindfulness online: a preliminary evaluation of the feasibility of a web-based mindfulness course and the impact on stress. BMJ Open, 2:e000803.doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2011-000803
Schwartz, T., Gomes, J. & McCarthy, C. (2011). Be Excellent at Anything: The Four Keys To Transforming the Way We Work and Live. Free Press, NY 10020. Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Tracy, B. (2003). Goals! How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Want Ever Though possible (audiobook)
Tracy, B. (2010). No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline for Success in Your Life(audiobook)
Williams, M. & Penman, D. (2011). The Eight-Week Meditation Programme for a Frantic World (audiobook)