Research Paper By Catarina Mendes
(Life Coaching, PORTUGAL)
To be great, be whole;
Exclude nothing, exaggerate nothing that is not you.
Be whole in everything. Put all you are
Into the smallest thing you do.Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese writer (1888-1935)
The 3 key secrets
life balance is quite a challenging goal for our modern eastern societies. The increase of demands and roles each of us has, in our personal and daily work lives, are growing at a high velocity and seems to never stop. The need to cope in all these areas – personal, family, professional, social – at the same time, at a high level and speed has contributed to a society where anxiety, stress, burnout, exhaustion and even depression become almost “normal” states of mind. Everyone notices it and the statistics can confirm it.
The way we are living and working is not living anymore! It is merely surviving. It will be at a tremendous cost to the human race, in some years, if we don’t change this paradigm immediately and globally.
The aim of this paper is to reflect on how GOAL SETTING, COACHING and MINDFULNESS can support us to reduce stress and create a productive, healthy and meaningful life.
The strong believe behind this reflection is that if we change the way we allocate our energy, we change our personal and work life. Just by doing so, our lives can improve tremendously, and hopefully, the 21st century might be known as the turning point to a healthy, balanced and happier way of being and living.