Awareness Section
100% of the respondents were aware of personality assessment tools and more than 99% have been assessed on at least one of the tool. Using assessment as a key criteria, four tools make up the three most popular tools. Please see the table below for the results against the four popular tools.
Personality Assessment Tool Name Question on |
MBTI | DISC | Clifton Strengths Finder | Tetramap |
93% | 65% | 53% | 38% |
78% | 40% | 40% | 35% |
81% | 63% | 69% | 100% |
68% | 60% | 75% | 93% |
Considering the above data, MBTI is very popular with high recall value but scores third on practical relevance. DISC is second in both awareness and use, though scores lowest on recall and practical relevance. Clifton Strengths Finder scores third on awareness, second on use and scores higher on recall and practical relevance. Tetramap scores fourth on awareness and use and it is the tool with highest recall and highest practical value.
Application and Use Section
The second section on application and use consisted of 5 statements (as shown in the graph). Overall, taking strong agreement/disagreement to indicate definiteness, and slight agreement/disagreement to indicate tentativeness we see a bulk of respondents are tentative in their response. The range of tentative response (adding together both agreement and disagreement) is between 63% and 83% while definite response the range is 8% to 35%.
Taking into account only the definite responses, we see that the awareness and reliability statements had strong agreements and no strong disagreements. The practical application statements on interpersonal situations and situations outside of work show close scores on both agreement and disagreement – indicating that the use of personality assessment tools outside of workplace evokes strong sentiments and needs to be used with greater care. However, the respondents seem to be more favorable using knowledge gained from personality assessment tool at work and there is no strong disagreement for this statement. The reason for this is unknown and would require further study.
Factors Influencing Effectiveness section
The section on factors influencing effectiveness of the tools, a list of factors that had a positive or negative impact on the effectiveness of the personality test tools were explored. More than 50% of the respondents feel that a tool that is easy to use and one-on-one debriefing sessions would have helped improve effectiveness. Lack of follow through sessions and lack of one to one debriefing sessions come as the top two deterrent factors that impede the effectiveness.
Respondent Profile Section
The respondent profile was predominantly male, from banking and financial services industry with a significant set of respondent holding senior management positions
Works Cited
Wikipedia Pages on :
Personality Psychology
Research On Use of Assessment Tools
Thank you for taking time out to fill up this survey. The purpose of this survey is to find out the effectiveness of people profile assessment tools and its application in the coaching context. Please rest assured the details will be kept confidential and only summary results will be published. If you wish receive the final report summary, please indicate the same in the appropriate column in the questionnaire below.
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