I used this the first session as a model for continuing sessions, where we would open the session with an Energy Psychology process to neutralize any emotional charge he was feeling. This resulted in extraordinary breakthroughs and insights from the client. By the 6th and last session, he had undergone a complete change and was evidently more relaxed and open with a definite action plan in place, which he diligently followed.
In a 1 month follow up visit, the client reported that he was engaged to be married, his relationship with authority (at the hospital where he worked) had resolved and he was now the second in command for the surgery department. In addition, he had started socializing and going for movies, something he had stopped doing as a teenager in order to please his mother. .
While the client had come to me for an intellectual goal setting exercise, the discovery and removal of the underlying beliefs and emotional blocks to action through Energy psychology tools resulted in a speedy resolution of the issue.
Client 2-, Ms Y was a 25 year old married female who was in the process of graduating from a Masters Program.
Problem- She came to me to be coached on her inability to complete her graduation requirements. Deadlines for the submission of all her requirements for graduation were looming, but she was unable to bring herself to complete the tasks required.
Coaching – We started off with exploring the reasons for her procrastination. The client appeared to be distracted and uncommunicative at the start of the session, She was unable to see any way forward and seemed to want to stay in the position she was in.
I suggested EFT as a relaxing and grounding technique, which she seemed amenable to. The first application of the process, helped to calm the client and make her more receptive to the coaching process.
As we continued with the sessions, we found a few perceived benefits to her if she did not graduate. By this time, the client felt that these were not important enough for her to stay another term in the program. As we went deeper into the underlying beliefs we uncovered a very strong fear of having to get a job. On exploring this further, we uncovered a core belief that the lack of self esteem was keeping her from believing she would find a job. So this was a clear attempt at self sabotage based on an underlying fear.
We subsequently used the EFT process to tap on the lack of self esteem, and kept checking back to see if there was a change in her emotional state to finishing her submissions. Within 5 rounds of tapping, the blocks to completing her tasks were completely released. She could not remember what her objections had been.
The client reported that she pulled 2 all-nighters and managed to complete all the tasks for graduation in time.
The two case studies above are just some of the myriad ways that Energy Psychology techniques can be used as a tool in coaching. Research studies have been conducted on the use of Energy Psychology protocols in various applications. While, a comprehensive look at the research conducted might be out of the scope of this paper, we need to be aware that though the field is still young, the successful anecdotal cases indicate the effectiveness of this modality as a tool to releasing emotional trauma.
IV. Summary
Energy psychology as a discipline has shown that a simple and fast protocol of stimulating points on the body, can impact emotional trauma and blocks positively. Numerous studies have indicated a strong correlation between the usage of this protocol and the reduction of baseline symptoms of stress and anxiety. As the use of Energy Psychology spreads, the research on this modality has also increased in the various areas of its application. Coaching is one such area, where there can be a significant impact on client.
V. Appendix 1
Meridian Tapping Techniques
There are a number of points on the body t that have been shown to balance disturbances in the body’s energy system caused by negative emotions. Before the session, the client chooses a particular problem and emotion that they would like to work on. He then formulates a set up statement as his focus. During the tapping, the client focuses on the negative emotion, but also uses a positive statement to counteract it. The tapping of fingertips on the specified points on the body releases the negative emotion, allowing the energy to again flow freely through the meridian.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is probably the best known of the tapping protocols. EFT is easily learned and can be used as a self-help resource at whatever time or place an emotional stress becomes troublesome. Clinical trials have shown that EFT can quickly reduce the emotional charge of distressing memories and incidents. Although the memory or current situation is not changed, the distress is reduced or removed. This often allows the body to rebalance itself, and move toward greater alignment. The images below show the points on the body which can be tapped for relief.
For more information go to www.eftuniverse.com
Tapas Acupressure Technique© (TAT©) was created by Tapas Fleming. She was a Licensed Acupuncturist who also specialized in the energetic treatment of allergies. TAT was initially used in treating allergies but a serendipitous side-effect was ridding patients of the effects of their past stressful experiences.
For more information go to www.tatlife.com
Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a tapping procedure created by Dr. Roger Callahan which prescribes different codes depending on the fundamental cause of the problem being addressed. The right code balances the body’s energy system, and allows the client to eliminate most negative emotions or fears within minutes.
Source: Energy Psychology Interactive, David Feinstein, Ph.D.
VI. References
ICF Website http://www.coachfederation.org/
EFT Tapping points for absolute beginners http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL8oYcXWZVs
David Feinstein, Donna Eden, and Gary Craig (2005), The promise of Energy Psychology, Tarcher
Candace Pert (1999) Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Between Mind-Body Medicine, Scribner
Donna Eden (1998,2008), Energy Medicine, Tarcher&Putnam
Energy Psychology Journal Website http://energypsychologyjournal.org/
Energy Psychology Press Website http://www.energypsychologypress.com
Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology ( ACEP) www.energypsych.org
Tapas Acupressure Technique www.tatlife.com