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Appendix A
Powerful Questions to Support Decision Making
- What would you like to have happen?
- Why do you want this? What is motivating this decision?
- What will it bring you? What do you see as the consequences?
- What do you hope to accomplish? Will this take you nearer/further away from your goal?
- What do you think you will gain/lose by taking this action?
- Are you 100% behind this? If not, what is holding you back?
- How important to you is it to do this?
- What kind of support do you need to make this happen?
- How committed are you to this?
- What might be the outcome? (benefits/consequences/gains/losses)
- Who wants this – you or someone else?
- Does this excite you?
- Do you feel fear at this, and if so, is it enough to hold you back?
- What assumptions are you making?
- What is your agenda?
- How will you know whether this is yes or no?
- What is stopping you from saying yes/no?
- What is the worst/best that could happen?
- What can be mitigated? Where is support essential, and where can it be found?
Appendix B
Powerful questions which support the decision and encourage positivity, via reframing perspectives :
- What is motivating you in this direction?
- What are the strengths that have motivated you to this point?
- What are the opportunities that you see for yourself?
- What is your intuition telling you?
- If this opportunity disappeared right now, how would you feel?
- What do you need to accept and take responsibility for, in order to move on?
- If you let go of all your concerns, how do you want this to turn out?
- What is causing you the most angst right now, and how will you feel once you are the other side of it?
- What is your support system?
- Revisit the underlying rationale – what is the compelling reason for doing this?
- Imagine you are 75 years old, looking back at your life – What would you most be proud of?
Appendix C
Powerful Questions to support the Client through challenging times
- What works for you right now? And what does that give you?
- What do I expect from myself?
- What are you trying to force through, that might need more time?
- In the bigger scheme of things, how important is this issue for you?
- If you could do it over again, what would you do differently?
- What can you learn from this?
- What would the older you say to your younger self?
- What part of your life can you celebrate right now?
- Is what you want aligned with your values?
- What are you assuming?
- What are you trying to prove?
- What is it you need to let go of?
- What do you need to change in your attitude for you to be able to function in the midst of this, even if you can’t change the circumstances?
- If you can’t change things, how can you be at peace with it?
Disempowering beliefs and how they may be reframed :