The human brain
There are two hemispheres of the brain. Each has its own functions but tend to work together. The right hemisphere is more creative and is more intuitive. The visual cortex is situated here and it thinks in pictures, images and visuals. Left brain activities include languages, thinking linearly, calculations, sensing etc and Right brain activity includes thinking in pictures, images and visuals, creativity and is musically inclined and intuitive.
The HOW of Visualization
We do everything twice. First in your mind and then in reality, when you actually do it.
Negative experience/visualization
Imagine if you were to close your eyes and think of a negative experience. Let’s say that you went to your doctor and he tells you that you have a condition that you have to endure for the rest of your life.
Can you imagine what goes through your mind?
Close your eyes and use all your five senses to visualize this scenario…sound of the voice of your doctor , feeling very vulnerable and weak, eyes clouding, throat constricting, tears being choked back etc. Now open your eyes slowly. Ask yourself – how do I feel?
Are you answering: energy drain, withdrawn, rising blood pressure, slouched shoulders and so on. Could you imagine running your life like this every day from the moment you get up till you go to bed?
Positive experience/visualization
Now visualize a positive experience. Close your eyes again and go through the same routine of recalling some other experience in visuals and pictures and notice how your whole physiology changes …the smile on your face, your breathing, your heart rate and so on. Now open your eyes slowly and imagine running your day and life with this sort of high energy thoughts.
What a difference it will make to your life to begin each day being centered and energized through visualization of how you want your day and life to pan out.
What do these people have in common?
All of them are successful, rich, famous, skilled and best in their respective fields AND yes, all of them practice Visualization in some form or other. The power of visualization reinforced from people best in their fields.
Oprah Winfrey – has used visualization techniques and vision boards and the power of the sub-conscious mind for many years and openly shares this as one of her secrets of success. She says ‘I do believe and I have seen in my own life that visualization works’ she adds ‘If you can see it in your mind and believe it, it’s a lot easier to achieve it. I truly believe that thoughts are the greatest vehicle to change, power and success in the world. Everything begins with thoughts’. Oprah Winfrey, key to success, power of visualization
Arnold Schwarzenegger – Swears by visualization and has applied the principles to body building, his acting career and his political career and he was successful beyond measure every single time. He says ‘It is what the mind visualizes what the body ought to look like as the finished product. The mind is more important than the body. You have to visualize what the body ought to look like in order to win’.