Coaching task
“ At your finger tips “ — 5 point formula for bringing in this transformation
Techniques a coach can use to help client’s self awareness process:
Powerful Questions
Powerful questions engage client in a thinking process and help look at a situation from a different perspective. This creates a distance and allows the client to see a situation much easier. Powerful questions also support opportunities for growth and creativity. Effective probing is like digging ground with a sharper tool till you reach a fresh water spring.
Transpose – asking indirect questions in sensitive areas ( e.g. Why do you think people evade taxes )
Effective Feedback
Coaches can create awareness through use of feedback. Feedback is an observation and not an advice which is judgmental. It is like showing a mirror without adding or deleting from reality. Feedback is not based on opinion or beliefs but rather on the moment of observation. By stating what is or what is not from another perspective, helps client get an insight that they can use.
Role-play is a very effective technique to create awareness. It is particularly helpful when a client is unsure how to have a conversation with someone.
- A coach can reflect on client’s perspective, a coach should also encourage client to reflect on different perspectives, options. This will bring in different realizations leading to greater awareness.
- Make appropriate use analogy, metaphor, and story.