A Coaching Power Tool Created by Will Chambers
(Business Coach (Sales & Marketing), CANADA)
In my experience, ‘FLOW’ had been something that comes sporadically, never really knowing whether there was any rhyme or reason to it showing up in day-to-day life. This has caused me to be curious about the process and wanting to learn more and more about what it is, how it manifests and how to harness its power.
Having been lucky enough to have personally experienced flow on a number of occasions and in varying scenarios from sport, writing, conversation, coaching and relationships I find myself seeking to understand it more and more.
I feel flow has a very close link to coaching practice (and being a coach). During the ICA syllabus I have heard on numerous occasions that coaching is “Dancing in the moment” with the client. It is creating a space and being there with the client in that moment. I began to ask myself “is this flow too?”
No matter who I talk to, everyone has their own understanding of flow and it seems to be one of the few areas the ‘spiritual’ and ‘science’ agree with.
I have been very curious as to what a ‘moment in flow’ means to individuals and whether this can be extrapolated into a life or journey of flow. This also raised the question “can we be in flow constantly?”
What is Flow?
In positive psychology, flow, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting loss in one’s sense of space and time. Wikipedia
Coaching application
There are synergies with so many other facets of coaching and life, such as mindfulness, structures, letting go, knowing what you can control, a lack of self-criticism and challenge.
My power tool does not attempt to answer any of the aforementioned questions definitively but supports the client in understanding what it means to them and how they may use the tool to further their personal journey and self-discovery.
More often than not, a conversation starting from flow often leads into peeling back layers and identifying clients may be experiencing other ‘blockages’ such as a fear of being judged, a fear of failure, a lack of self-belief. This tool has been useful in facilitations with clients to then unlock where other power tools may also come into play.
My Power Tool
The power toolcan be found in a separate document. I have designed this document as a ‘walk-though’ and a conversation piece. In the tool there is a set of questions and examples to support the clients learning and breakthrough moments.
I welcome any feedback and I’m eager to learn what flow means to you.