Here is an example
if you believe in scarcity (as opposed to a belief in abundance), you’ll attract circumstances into your life that are consistent with the belief of scarcity and so you’ll find yourself in a constant struggle to accumulate the wealth you desire.
Note that what you think you want may not be what you need. Needs often override our wants at the core level of beliefs, so it’s wise to determine your core needs and check in with yourself to see if these are in alignment with your wants. Ask yourself ‘WHY’ you want something; the answer to this question will guide you to the need.
It’s important that the new belief resonates with you. Do you believe this is possible for you?
If you do not believe it’s possible for you, you will not be in a place of allowing, nor will you be open to receiving, as you will be in a space of “I don’t deserve this” or “I’m not good enough”. You will then miss the opportunities, people and circumstances that show up for you, to help support you in creating your desire or you will create a scenario of self- sabotage with self defeating and limiting behaviour.
By taking control of our mind, changing the way we think and intentionally focusing on what we want, we take full responsibility for our life and jump into the driving seat of our life and confidently able to steer our direction. This is the key to personal happiness, freedom and peace of mind!
Coaching Application
As Coaches we support our clients through change.
Helping the client in shifting their mindset can be one of the biggest challenges we face as coaches Often the client is not aware of how their underlying beliefs and negative thinking are directly impacting their life. Through a process of supporting the client in discerning their limiting or underlying beliefs, we can begin guiding the client to understanding their internal road blocks. This awareness leads to new possibilities as we guide the client to recognise the thinking patterns that are limiting them and guide then through intentionally choosing to control what they think about! This is the first step in changing from the inside out.
Working with our clients to help them recognise their thinking patterns and discern a more empowering perspective and way of thinking is one of the most powerful processes for creating lasting change.
Note: It is not always easy to discern a limiting belief. However when a client reflects on their patterns of behaviour especially around situations where they feel challenged, the belief will be underlying the behaviour.
Suggested Tools
The Belief Game – Request your client to reflect on the negative thoughts or beliefs they have. Divide a sheet of paper into two and on the right side ask the client to list the negative thoughts and beliefs which come up. Support the client in identifying a more empowering thought or belief and ask the client to note this on the left next to the limiting thought or belief. Ask the client if they are willing to let go of the old belief and replace it? If they feel the new belief is a better reflection of what they want and resonates with their values, then this is a strong YES. Every time the client recognises the disempowering thought or belief and consciously and intentionally switches to the new thought this will create a new pattern in the brain and the new thought or belief will begin to be reflected in their life.
Fact or Fiction
Look at your beliefs around your strengths. Think to a past experience that reflected these positive beliefs. Reflect on your successes, acknowledge yourself, feel good about them.
Now look at your self limiting beliefs, how have these been reflected in your reality? Look for evidence that supports the opposite view of the limiting belief, turn this into a new belief. Build on the evidence that supports the new belief. Embrace the new belief, in time the old belief will dissipate.
For the client to fully understand that they can take control of their thoughts and intentionally change their thinking to reflect a better reality is HUGE!
This shift is life changing!
Lynne Mctaggart – The Field
Dr Emoto Masaru – The Secret Life of Water
James Allen – As A Man Thinketh
Wallace D. Wattles – The Science of Getting Rich
Russell H. Conwell – Acres of Diamonds
Dr. David R Hawkins – Power vs Force
Rhonda Byrne – The Secret