A Coaching Power Tool created by Pankaj Dixit
(Executive & Life Coach, INDIA)
Values and underlying beliefs are the drivers of our behaviour. If our goals are not aligned to our values, it is unlikely that we will remain committed to them in long term. Sometimes it is not easy to realise what our real values and underlying beliefs are because they are hidden in unconscious. We might like to think that we have certain values but in our unconscious the eal values may be different that this could a cause for a conflict. The first step in transformation is self awareness, and this means discovering our values and beliefs. Awareness about values and beliefs would help you to find out: What triggers various emotions in me. What drives me in life? What excites me? Why do I behave the way I do.
If we find that our values and beliefs are not helping us in our life, we might like to challenge them. Alternatively we might like to align our goals to our values and beliefs.
This questionnaire attempts to help you finding your values. This is not an automatic tool which will churn out the values for you in the end. We expect that once you answer all the questions, and read them a few times, it will give you insights to list your true values.
You need to be brutally honest while filling in the answers. The correct way is to think that you are filling it just for yourself and you don’t have to show it to anyone. And you can indeed decide not to share it with anyone and just keep it for yourself. However we recommend that you consider sharing it with your coach as this will help both of you to assess and align your goals.
In the Value Finder ask yourself the following questions:
1. What is your purpose in life?
2. How would you define success in your life?