A Coaching Power Tool created by Moira Spence
(Leadership and Management Coach & Transition Coach, ITALY)
When we connect we: join, link, unite or bind; establish communication; create a relationship, provide access; associate mentally or emotionally. The word connect contains a sense of energy, movement and flow. With connection comes the creation of something greater and more powerful which has the potential to offer more than the individual elements being connected. Connection is non-judgemental it is an action of growth, understanding and acceptance.
Connecting With Ourselves
The concept of connecting with ourselves will be different for different people. For some it will mean being aware of their thinking and feeling, for others it will be creating a space for reflection and for other it will mean tuning into their inner voice, soul, spirit or essence.
When we truly connect with ourselves we understand and believe that we are on a unique and individual journey, trusting that we have everything that we need to create a life that is vibrant and fulfilling. When we connect with ourselves we love ourselves and treat ourselves with compassion. We recognise, acknowledge, celebrate and treasure our strengths. At the same time we recognise and accept our growth points and feel excited and curious about our journey of self development and learning.
By connecting with ourselves we are able to tune into our essence and listen intently to our feelings and needs and desires. We connect to our centre and wholeness and hear our own wisdom. A wisdom that knows how we need to move forward on our journey so that we can bring our best to the world.
Connecting to ourselves allows us to see our own beauty and feel our power and our capacity to move forward courageously, creatively and compassionately in the world; recognising that we have a contribution which has significance for the world. We can claim our place confidently and with ease, knowing that we belong and that we have a right to exist along with all the other wonderful beings on our planet. We do not rate ourselves as greater or lesser than others. We are unique and have our own gifts that have equal importance others.
When we connect to ourselves by allowing ourselves to make contact with and appreciate our unique strengths and the presence that we bring to the world, we generate a vibration of trust and belief in ourselves that nurtures us and the people around us. We radiate respect and love and are able to open ourselves up to new experiences confident that we are able to positively embrace all that comes our way. The confidence that we feel in relation to our place in the world allows us to connect with openness and trust with others.
When we are connecting to ourselves we are able to feel our joy.
When we are connected to ourselves we are aware of the times we are out of balance. We can identify when we are struggling or suffering or in pain. We do this by listening to our heads and our hearts and our souls. Our bodies send us strong messages that we recognise and listen to and are able to respond to in a loving and caring way. When we are connected
to ourselves and know that we are out of balance we are able to choose to find a different way of being that shows compassion for ourselves.
Self application
So often we move forward in our lives seeing ourselves as separate parts; fluctuation our focus of attention between what we consider are our strengths and our weaknesses, disconnected both from experiencing ourselves as a unique energy and from acceptance and compassion for ourselves as a whole. Opening our awareness to this as coaches allows us to offer all of our presence and wisdom to clients. By experiencing and accepting our whole selves we are able to support clients to embrace this perspective themselves.