A Coaching Power Tool created by Jamie Smith
(Transformational Life Coach, CANADA)
Living me to we has the potential to revolutionize kindness, redefine happiness and success, and rekindle community bonds powerful enough to change your life and the lives of everyone around you.
From the book Me to we by Craig Keilbuger and Marc Kielburger
Me, Myself and I
We have been living out a sense of me, myself and I or separation for thousands of years now, however more and more of us are realizing that there is more to life than only taking care of our own selfish needs and that it essential to ask for help and support at times.
The world is beginning to realize that old ways of doing things are no longer working. This is in regards to every day personal life as well as our corporations and other large organizations.
We are also beginning to see and feel that all of our actions or lack of actions affect the whole.
No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.
John Donne
Look at BP for example. They overlooked safety regulations because they were not required to do so in the US, and doing so would have cost them more money. (Me myself and I mentality) We all know the devastating effect this is having on our world. All of our actions affect the whole somehow. What would have happened had they truly cared about the safety of all humanity?
Although it is very healthy to have a wonderful relationship with your Self, living in a ME myself and I mentality only not only can cause negative consequences for the whole of humanity, but also can create illness, or make current illness’ worsen.
The world is craving a sense of community and giving back and the good news is that it can be created. Many times people who are feeling depressed need to go out and do something nice for someone else. Helping someone in need and or contributing to a cause larger than ourselves is one of the quickest ways to raise our self-esteem and help us to feel happy again.
Self Application
What is the difference between WELLNESS and Illness? The “I” and the “We” Unknown
There are 6 billion people on the planet and yet people complain of being lonely and unhappy all the time. Very often this means that we need to let people into our lives or we need to be willing to reach out more and stop playing the victim. Our pain and human lives and suffering are normal and is something shared by every person on the planet on some level. We don’t have to isolate. We are not alone.
New research reveals how loneliness can undermine health. And Studies have shown that we live longer and are healthier with close friends. Creating a loving circle of friends and sense of soulful community is one of the things that can be created with the help of a coach.
Getting Support
Only surround yourself with people who lift you higher. Oprah Winfrey
Sometimes we feel like we have do things alone. Studies show that all successful people have a team of support around them. Although alone time and solitude are important self care practices, we were not created to do this thing called life alone. It is strong to ask for help. It is important for each of us to look at our lives and see where we could delegate or ask for more support. In our lives.
Ways to Shift from Me to We.
- Attend a support group like Al-anon
- Start a monthly supper group with at least one other person who is loving and supportive.
- Join a group like toast Masters
- Hire a therapist
- Hire a coach with the intention of creating a soulful community
- Develop a spiritual connection with your higher power
- Get a pet
- Volunteer at a charity
- Find or start a meet-up group www.meetup.com
- Social media sites such as face book.
- Look for ways to share your gifts and talents with the world.
What other ways could you shift from a Me to a We mentality and bring more love, meaning and support into your life?